

Keeping The ER Visits Down

Dear Editor: We’re reminded that as winter approaches, viruses will spread throughout our community equating to longer waits for hospital emergency visits. A Proactive Approach to our health may benefit us to reduce that chance. Eat as healthy as possible, drink adequate liquids (coffee & sugary drinks don’t count), take […]


Kingsville Council Slow to React

Of the 7 municipalities in Essex County, 4 have a bylaw to regulate the short term rental (STR) market – Amherstburg, Lakeshore, Essex and Windsor. Kingsville, Leamington and LaSalle have no bylaw. Leamington recognized STRs as an issue in 2020, but have yet to act. Same with LaSalle. The number […]


Kingsville Besieged By Short Term Rentals

If you’ve paying attention to Canadian news recently, you will have noticed many articles about the short-term rental (STR) market. These articles range from local complaints about various disturbances stemming from large all-night parties, to more serious national issues affecting the supply of available housing for Canadians, whether its for […]