If you’ve paying attention to Canadian news recently, you will have noticed many articles about the short-term rental (STR) market. These articles range from local complaints about various disturbances stemming from large all-night parties, to more serious national issues affecting the supply of available housing for Canadians, whether its for ownership or long-term renting.
In addition, upward pressure on house prices can be another unwanted result. According to a recent report, STRs have removed 30,000 units from the Canadian market.
Many municipalities have established bylaws to regulate the industry, including most around Kingsville. Some have outright banned STRs, other municipalities allow only owner-occupied STRs (which was the original starting point for one of the companies, AirBnB), while some allow STRs only if certain conditions are met.
Our group has no issue with owner-occupied units, only whole-house short term rentals.
Town council has been slow to react. In a recent vote, all councillors but one voted to issue an online survey to gauge citizen interest to regulate the STR market (the mayor recused himself due to a conflict of interest).
The federal government recently announced they will be removing the ability to deduct certain business expenses that were previously allowed. Unfortunately for Kingsville, this will not apply to municipalities without a bylaw.
To summarize Kingsville’s current situation, STRs operate under the radar with no requirement to identify the business, or to pay any sort of fee to help offset the cost of bylaw officers responding to complaints. Nor must they charge an accommodation tax as hotels are required to do.
Do you know anyone who is having difficulty renting or buying property in Kingsville due to insufficient affordable supply? Would you object to a number of short term rental properties sprouting up in your neighborhood? Have you or someone you know had any issues with short term rentals?
If anything in this article strikes a chord, here’s how you can participate:
1. Come to one of our next meetings at the Kingsville Library Feb 14 and Feb 28 at 5:30 pm.
2. Sign our petition, which will soon be on Facebook under Concerned Citizens Coalition of Kingsville
3. Click here to fill out the Town Council survey (Have Your Say)
Peter Walker,
Citizens Against Short Term Rentals (CASTR)
Image by Peggy from Pixabay
This is an important discussion globally, nationally and locally. Conversations like this are a requirement for communities like Kingsville who need to protect their housing for future generations.
Peter Walker makes many good points in his article. People who care about these issues will have to think carefully about who we elect to represent our interests in the next election!
We the residents of Kingsville must recognise the facts as Mr. Walker has laid out as a serious problem for our town. Council must act to regulate these daily rentals.
I can’t understand why Kingsville is so behind other communities in regulating STRs. Even the Federal government is considering legislation. It’s sad to see the destruction these rentals are causing to our community, making housing unaffordable for those that love and care for Kingsville, while favouring wealthy landowners from the GTA who buy the properties without even visiting them. I’ve seen several STRs where trash is left all over the property from renters and bylaw officers are repeatedly called to deal with such issues. Not to mention the costs for police/OPP because of the noise complaints. Arguments that it helps the local economy are incorrect, as STRs are only rented in the summer months then vacant for the majority of the year. Longterm residents contribute to the local economy all year round.
Great article Peter! Our community needs to know how these short term rentals are affecting our town.