I was about to say, “It’s that time of year again.” But while spring is the time that many of us start thinking about tick prevention, in Kingsville the reality is that we should be thinking about it all year round. Although March is National Tick Awareness Month (#ticktalk), as […]
Author: Dr. Christina Martin, BSc.H, MSc., DVM
VetWrap: Bespoke Healthcare — Making the Rounds
“Rounds” is my favourite part of the day. Rounds actually used to be my LEAST favourite part of the day … back when I was a student. ‘“Rounds” was when we all gathered around “cage-side” (students, interns, residents and faculty alike) to discuss an ICU case. It was an […]
VetWrap: Not One More Vet
CONTENT WARNING: This article discusses suicide and suicidal feelings that some readers may find disturbing. This one will be brief and to the point. This one will be to tell you about something I think you should know about. This one is for Andrea. I’ve been thinking a lot about […]
VetWrap: Ears, Feet and Rears
I think a lot of vets have a love-hate relationship with dermatology. It can be very satisfying to make a diagnosis, come up with a plan, and work with a pet parent to put that plan into place. Seeing a previously uncomfortable animal get some relief is what we are […]
VetWrap: A Strange Recommendation
Have you ever considered … NOT owning a pet? Considering the forum, and what I do for a living, this may seem like a strange recommendation. You don’t have to sell me on the counter argument: the many documented benefits of pet ownership. As someone who arguably (maybe not so […]
VetWrap: Just Call Me Sherlock
A veterinary appointment consists of three main parts: 1) the history: the owner’s presentation of the chief complaint – their time to explain in detail the problem they have noticed and what has been going on 2) the doctor’s physical examination and/or diagnostic tests 3) the doctor’s discussion of medical […]
VetWrap: How Lifestyle Affects Healthcare
Spring has finally sprung! Our windows are open, our walks are longer, and … the parasites are out! While I am here to tell you that, in Kingsville, we should not completely forget about parasite prevention in the “colder” months (with days in December, January and February above freezing), spring […]
VetWrap: Do You Brush Your Cat’s Teeth?
Do you brush your cat’s teeth? … and other wild questions I ask everyday Most of my clients look at me like I’ve got exactly three heads when I ask them if they brush their cat’s (or dog’s, but especially cat’s) teeth. I know — it seems like a crazy […]
VetWrap: Can Cats and Christmas Trees Co-exist?
It’s easy to forget what living with a kitten is like after living with an adult, and then senior cat for many years. But it certainly all comes rushing back at 4 a.m. when they are barreling up and down the hall “like a herd of elephants,” knocking a cherished […]
VetWrap: The Vet Wives
When I was in veterinary school, there was a group of us that would head down to the UC on Wednesday nights for trivia (I know, I know, we were nerds). Don’t worry, there was also beer involved … so it all balances out, I think? (Shout out to Trivia […]