After a successful trial period, Windsor Regional Hospital’s Paediatric Emergency Diversion Service (PEDs) is getting set to expand to 7 days a week.
Thanks to Ontario Ministry of Health funding, the pilot program was rolled out in September 2023 with the aim at reducing the time paediatric patients spend in the Emergency Department while optimizing ED resources and reducing overcrowding. Since its launch, more than 400 of our youngest patients have taken advantage of the program receiving more timely care.
This unique service run by a paediatric speciality team has been available at our Met Campus on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. — typically our busiest times for paediatric patients in the ED when there are limited services for paediatric patients elsewhere in the community.
A new funding boost from the province will now allow the program to be offered 7 days a week beginning March 1, 2024. This new funding will cover operating costs and the dedicated staff needed to ensure the program is a continued success.
Parents or guardians arriving to the ED will see their child, if under the age of 17, triaged more quickly depending on their individual medical concerns. If they meet certain criteria, they’ll be quickly assessed by an ED provider before being brought to a dedicated space. Here, the child will be treated by a specialized team including a Pediatrician, pediatric nurse and nurse practitioner, supported by Diagnostic Imaging and Lab services.
First time mother Fayth Brando recently brought her 11-month-old son to the ED and was impressed with the timely care he received. “I can’t say enough about the doctor and staff in the Paediatric Unit. They were amazing. It turned out my son had a viral stomach bug and they answered all my questions and made sure he was taken care of quickly,” explains Brando. “Streamlining care for sick kids makes sense and, as a first time mom, it’s reassuring to know a service like this is available. Kudos to Windsor Regional Hospital and the Ministry of Health for doing this.”
“We know parents of pediatric patients seek and value appropriate high-quality care that is timely, and convenient,” says Chief of Paediatric Medicine Dr. Sajit Augustine. “Pediatric ED diversion clinics offer new and evolving paradigms that serve this growing demand and complement services provided by our emergency departments.”
The Paediatric Emergency Diversion Service is another example of an “outside of the box” initiative put in place at WRH to reduce wait times and improve patient care. Others include:
- The PUMA (Paediatric Urgent Medical Assessment) Clinic
- During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, WRH operated a stand-alone clinic focused on paedatric patients.
- Between August 2021 and October 2022, the clinic saw over 10,000 young patients.
- WRH Mental Health Assessment Unit (MHAU)
- Once medically cleared in the ED, Mental Health patients are transferred to the MHAU where they are assessed and treated prior to admission or discharge.
- This initiative has resulted in reductions in incidences of violence, patients leaving before receiving care and the amount of time before a patient is assigned to a bed.
- WRH OB Triage
- Pregnant patients go directly to OB Triage when in need of care
- OB Triage diverts more than 7,000 patient visits per year from the ED.
The expanded Paediatric Emergency Diversion Service will go live at Met Campus on March 1, 2024 and will operate 7 days a week from 3 p.m. to 11 p.m.