The arc of my writing life began when one of my short stories was shortlisted for the CBC Literary Award. That was a serious confidence booster.
For the next couple of years, I worked on my first children’s novel, Carried Away on Licorice Days, and after it was published, I did the craziest thing and submitted it to the Globe and Mail for a review.
What did I have to lose? Well, nothing, as it turned out.
Their glowing review two weeks later launched my career.
Carried Away on Licorice Days was nominated for three literary awards and sent me to Nova Scotia where I met Canada’s top juvenile fiction authors and was welcomed into the writing community.
Ten more successful children’s books followed, and last year my first book of adult short fiction called The Exact Likeness of Living Persons won a Silver Medal in the Reader Views Literary Awards.
This year I pivoted and took a deep dive into watercolour painting.
Now you’re more likely to see me with a paint brush in my hand, practising what I’ve learned through classes provided by the Arts Society of Kingsville and a slew of online artists.
Watercolours fill me with wonder. They can either be placidly accommodating, or stubbornly insist on telling their own story. Either way, they produce beautiful works of art.
This season has been a busy one. Recently, I sold my first paintings at the Annual Migration Sensation Show at the Carnegie Art & Visitor Centre.
I’m also exhibiting at the Annual Artisan Show and Sale, the People’s Choice/Best of 2023 Exhibit, and the Holiday Artisan’s Show and Sale at the Gibson Gallery in Amherstburg.
Being a member of the Arts Society of Kingsville and the Fort Malden Guild of Arts & Crafts has provided me with warm and talented people to share this new adventure with.
Website for my Art:
Website for my Books:
A.S.K. Artist Profile: