In 2021, I saw that the seeds for great cycling were all right here. I could also see that those seeds needed to be collated and harvested. These realizations led to the genesis of the Cycle Kingsville website.
I talked with three like-minded avid cyclists, and consulted with some others. The Cycle Kingsville website was developed, with the help of a few much appreciated sponsors who could see what we were trying to establish.
The four associates of Cycle Kingsville are Charles Morgan, Jennifer Kilbourne, Dave Kfrerer and Graham Rickers.
We came from different cycling directions — some with a passion for gravel riding, another for just recreational short rides and myself with a passion for road riding.
But we all shared some important common goals:
- to promote and develop cycling in Kingsville and Essex County
- to coordinate cycling routes with accommodations and restaurants, and
- to send a message outside our area that Kingsville is truly a place “where great rides begin.”
The website lists a series of bike routes that can be ridden, as well as eateries, breweries, wineries and accommodations for riders to enjoy. It has an Events page to offer information on what’s happening as well as a Blog page with interesting cycling stories.
Our website’s editor Jennifer Kilbourne is always maintaining, upgrading and refreshing the website so that it remains dynamic and not static. We have over 600 followers on the Cycle Kingsville website which continues to grow.
The website acts as kind of a “cycling bible” for people who visit Kingsville and stay at our hotels, inns and B&B’s, as well as locals who want to know where to ride!
I have ridden my bike on five continents to some of the most beautiful and challenging places in the world, but I still keep coming back to Essex County to ride.
Here I find a multitude of country roads, bike trails and bike lanes on arguably the flattest land in Canada, with Kingsville as the hub.
These features in our area have been a well-kept cycling secret. Cycle Kingsville is working to change that.
Last year, ERCA awarded stewardship to two of the three Kingsville segments of the Chrysler Greenway. We are also working closely with the Town of Kingsville and BIA to get signage, benches and shelters along these areas.
Oktoberfest Bike Ride
Also last year, Cycle Kingsville hosted the Oktoberfest Bike Ride. Participation was so good, and everyone had so much fun, that there just had to be a 2nd Annual Oktoberfest Bike Ride!
The date for this has been announced. Come out to the Oktoberfest Bike Ride on Saturday, October 21.
This is a FREE event and open to everyone with a bicycle.
There are three different routes to choose from for the Oktoberfest Bike Ride. After the rides, the Banded Goose Brewery will be hosting a post-ride Oktoberfest party with German food, German beer and music. Prost!
Cycle Kingsville
Cycle Kingsville
This article written by Charles Morgan for Cycle Kingsville, partnering with Jennifer Kilbourne, Dave Kfrerer and Graham Rickers
All photos courtesy of Cycle Kingsville