Town & County News

Update on August 24th, 2023 Town of Kingsville Low Water Pressure Event 

September 15, 2023

At approximately 11:10pm on August 23, 2023, operations staff at the Union Water  Supply System (UWSS) Ruthven Water Treatment Plant (RWTP) noted a power  interruption due to a passing thunderstorm that resulted in loss of communication between the master computer controls at the treatment plant and the off-site water system  components, including the 4 UWSS water towers. At the time of the loss of  communications, operations staff followed standard operating protocol and recorded the  water levels within the water towers. The water level within the Kingsville water tower was recorded at approximately 85% of its maximum operating level at that time.

At approximately 4:10am on August 24th, 2023, operations staff at the RWTP treatment  plant received calls from residents near downtown Kingsville indicated that they had no  water pressure. Maintenance staff were dispatched to the Kingsville Water Tower to  investigate the situation and noted that the Kingsville Water Tower was empty and low water pressure was noted for the portion of the Kingsville water distribution system that is supplied the Kingsville Water Tower. The control valve for the Kingsville Water Tower was manually switched to allow RTWP system to directly supply the affected distribution  system.

Due to the low water pressure observed, RWTP operations staff consulted with Town of  Kingsville staff and Windsor-Essex County Health Unit Staff and a precautionary boil  water advisory was issued at approximately 10:55am, August 24th, 2023 for the affected  water distribution system. The boil water advisory was lifted by the WECHU late  afternoon of August 25th, 2023.

Further investigation into the unexpected drainage of the Kingsville Water Tower and associated loss of water pressure in the early morning of August 24th, 2023, indicates that  water driven sump pumps in residences within the affected area were likely a major  contributor to the draining of the Kingsville Water Tower.

UWSS is licensed under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2022 as a municipal drinking water  system. It is UWSS’ responsibility, in conjunction with its accredited operations and  maintenance contractor to ensure that clean and safe drinking water is delivered to residents and businesses in Leamington, Kingsville and parts of Essex and Lakeshore.

However, loss of water pressure within portion of a drinking water system is a common  occurrence and can be caused by a number of issues including watermain breaks, pump  failures, valve issues, etc. These events cannot be predicted or controlled. As such, UWSS cannot guarantee there will be always be an adequate supply of water or adequate water pressure within the drinking water system to ensure functionality of water powered  back-up sump pumps.

For further information on the UWSS or to contact us, please visit our website at

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