Town & County News

Public Notice: Pesticide Use In Leamington Begins Sept. 27

The Municipality of Leamington intends to control phragmites in ditches along all municipal rural roadsides within Leamington. The application of pesticide will be completed in accordance with the Public Works exception to the Cosmetic Pesticides Ban for the promotion of public health and safety per section 7.1(2) of the Pesticides Act.

The Municipality will be using the following pesticides registered under the Pest Control Products Act (Canada):

  1. VisionMAX Silviculture Herbicide (PCP Registration No. 27736), containing the active ingredient Glyphosate present as potassium salt.
  2. ARSENAL PowerLine Herbicide (PCP Registration No. 30203), containing the active ingredient Imazapyr, present as isopropyl amine salt, to be used in conjunction with MSO CONCENTRATE with Leci-Tech (PCP Registration No. 28385), containing the active ingredient Methylated seed oil of soybean.

This public notice is for pesticide applications commencing (weather permitting) September 27, 2023, and ending November 1, 2023. Weed control will be undertaken by Green Stream on behalf of the Municipality of Leamington.

For more information, please contact:

Shawn Stasko, Drainage Superintendent

111 Erie Street North, Leamington, Ontario N8H 2Z9

519-326-5761 extension 1504

Collect calls will be accepted.

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