
ESCIA Presents Its Rescheduled 2023 Twilight Tour

On September 28 at 5:00 P.M., the Essex Soil and Crop Improvement Association (ESCIA) will present its 2023 Twilight Tour. This year’s event will take place at Quinlan Farms, the recipient of the 2022 Essex Conservation Farm Award, located at 1681 Lakeshore Road 203, Lakeshore.

Attendees will enjoy a farm tour hosted by Chad Quinlan, and learn about Unlocking Soil’s Hidden Potential from Michael Stangle.  A BBQ dinner with home-grown ingredients is included at a cost of just $10.

RSVPs are required by September 26 to confirm each meal. Please contact Michael Dick 519 259 1461 or  .


The Essex Soil and Crop Improvement Association is one of more than 50 local county and district branches of the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association.

Our local chapter reflects the mandate of our provincial organization: to facilitate responsible, economic management of soil, water, air and crops through the development and communication of innovative farming practices.

A not-for-profit organization, the ESCIA encourages stewardship of farmland and improvement of field crop production in Essex County.

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