TRUE Kingsville is a not-for-profit organization created in January of 2021 and guided by a community based, volunteer Board of Directors.
TRUE Kingsville is dedicated to promoting Kingsville Tourism & Cultural Enrichment by forging partnerships with community groups, businesses and the Town of Kingsville.

TRUE Kingsville is excited to announce the completion of their first project, “The Kingsville Art Installation.”
This project is the result of a grant received through the Tourism Relief Fund financed by Fed Dev Ontario and facilitated by Ontario Southwest Tourism.

TRUE Kingsville partnered with the Arts Society of Kingsville (ASK) who commissioned 11 Local Artists to portray the pillars of Kingsville Tourism.
They tell the story of our town’s rich history and unique attractions resulting in an engaging and dynamic public Art Gallery.

As part of the project, Arts Society of Kingsville has also created the Kingsville Art Walk guide.
Both digital and printed versions will guide residents and visitors alike on a Cultural Adventure discovering Kingsville’s story told through Art.

On Saturday, July 15 at 12:00pm the public is invited to the inaugural ceremony to debut the Murals of Kingsville. The ART WALK guide will be available for the public.
The Arts Society of Kingsville will host the event and provide walking tours to view and talk about each mural. Many of the featured artists will also be attending and happy to share their thoughts on their mural.

The successful partnership of TRUE Kingsville, the Art Society of Kingsville (ASK), local Artists & Kingsville businesses has kick started the Arts & Cultural enhancement of our Community.
To ensure that this collaboration is the beginning of a legacy TRUE Kingsville has also financially supported ASK in partnering with Kingsville Music Society in the Greenway Jam Music Festival.

The generous support & welcoming spirit of the Kingsville Music Society along with the financial assistance of TRUE Kingsville has allowed ASK to create the ASK Art Village as part of the Annual Greenway Jam Music Festival moving forward.
Be sure to attend Saturday, August 12th and support the Arts & Culture of our beautiful community of Kingsville.
It would have been a nice idea to credit the artists in this article.. The paintings are lovely.
Hi Winnis
You’re right! We’ve added that information to the article now.
Is there a website for TRUE Kingsville?
Hi Michelle
I’m not aware of a website for TRUE Kingsville. But you can contact the Arts Society of Kingsville at info@artssocietyofkingsville.ca for more information.
Michelle TRUE Kingsville does NOT have a website of their own as the mission is to partner with existing groups & businesses in town that are already doing amazing work. Our hope is to assist these communicate groups to bring projects to fruitionsuch as ASK & the Art Project & the KBIA & the downtown sound system.
Is there more than one tour time ?
Hi Marilyn
I recommend contacting the Arts Society at info@artssocietyofkingsville.ca
Beautiful 🤩 what time on Saturday?
Hi Marilyn
You can contact the Arts Society of Kingsville at info@artssocietyofkingsville.ca for more information.
Marilyn it begins at 12noon. We hope that you & your friends will attend to experience the incredible work that the Artists, Art Society of Kingsville (ASK) & volunteers have done to bring the Arts & Culture to our downtown.
Thank you, Troy Loop.
Just giving back to an amazing community that has given me and my family so much. ❤️ Kingsville!