Border City Data: Data Mining Essex County’s Rich Newspaper History
Text collections and textual analysis offer a unique and largely untapped combination for applying data mining techniques and computational analysis to generate new insights into the past. This is particularly true for newspaper collections.
Newspaper pages typically have eight times the amount of text that appears on a book page, and a modest weekly newspaper can represent many thousands of pages of local content for even the smallest of communities.
The Leddy Library at the University of Windsor has been digitizing local newspapers with partners for over a decade, including the Amherstburg Echo, the Essex Free Press, and the Border Cities Star.
With the help of the Essex County Library System, this session kicks off a month long event to encourage the use of digitized newspapers for data mining and text analysis with 10 prizes of $50 Amazon gift cards and a guide to the newspapers that have recorded the history of our region.
Register to attend this event here
Monday, March 6, 2023 at 6 p.m.
Program Room of LaSalle Branch of Essex County Library
Inside the LaSalle Civic Centre
5950 Malden Road, LaSalle