On Sunday March 12, after participating in a “Thinking Day” service at Cottam United Church, 2nd Cottam Cub Scouts organized a sale of hot chocolate, Easter treats and homemade baked goods that raised over $170!
Now they are at it again! The 2nd Cottam Cub Scouts would like to announce their latest plan called Mission: Bunny Basketeers.
The goal of this mission is to raise money to purchase hygiene and snack items and outdoor clothing for folks supported by Street Angels Leamington. These items will be arranged in an Easter basket with a signed Easter card from our Cub Scouts and given to these folks just prior to Easter.
Credit for the creation of Mission: Bunny Basketeers goes to Runner Cubs Harper Aziz, Finnegan Cornell and Ruby Chartier who will earn their North Star Award after completing 5x Outdoor Adventure Skills and 5x Community Service hours.
Also credited are Howler Cubs Logan and Trevor Sayers, Myah Schraeder, and Jamison Heinrichs who will earn their Seeonee Award after completing 10x Outdoor Adventure Skills and 15x Community Service hours.
On Saturday, March 25, we will have our bunny ears on and tempt you with some yummy Easter goodies. Please hop on out and join us at the Cottam Esso Gas Station on the corner of County Roads 27 and 34.
We will be there between 10 am and 1 pm and will have hot chocolate, Easter treats and baked goods — all very tasty! These Cub youth have spent many hours planning, organizing and bringing these events to fruition.
For more information about this awesome fundraiser, kindly contact Fay Lawn, faylawn3@gmail.com or by cell: 519-995-1341.
The Street Angels Program offers a safe warm drop-in centre, seven nights a week from 6pm to 10pm for people aged 16 and older experiencing homelessness or near homelessness, food insecurities or social isolation. For more information, e-mail streetangelswindsoressex@gmail.com