Epworth United Church is overjoyed to welcome Reverend Joshua Kang and his wife, Jasmine, to our Kingsville Community.
Reverend Kang is excited to begin serving the congregation and the people of our town. He has 14 years experience in ministry and has served congregations in Toronto, Manitoulin Island, and most recently in Grand Forks, British Columbia.
He desires to share his passion for God, and has many gifts to share with our community. Epworth is looking forward to growing in faith and fellowship with Reverend Kang.
As a preacher, he believes that there is “common ground between good cooking and good preaching; it has to be fresh, balanced and delicious so that people can enjoy it and become healthy.” So come and be fed on Sunday, November 6 at 10:30 am
A Welcome Luncheon will follow the Worship Service. All are welcome!