Town & County News

Sam Zad Announces Candidacy for Deputy Mayor

My name is Sam Zad and I am asking you to elect me as Kingsville’s next Deputy Mayor. Thirteen years ago, when this charming town by the lake began to blossom, my wife and I made Kingsville our home. The strong sense of community drew us in. Year after year, my family still enjoys visiting some of the best local restaurants and events happening right here, in Kingsville.

Family and friends describe me as friendly and caring with a great sense of humour. When I broke the news that I was running in this year’s municipal election, the support was instantaneous. I was told I was gutsy and fearless; because I’m not afraid to stand up and be your voice.

Lately, politicians have this prevailing attitude that we work for them.  Nothing can be further from the truth, my friends.  THESE CIVIL SERVANTS WORK FOR US!   Surveys reveal that the most despised vocation is politicians.  It’s time residents apply for civil service and take power away from career politicians.  This is why I have decided to run as Deputy Mayor.

I have spent the last few weeks surveying Kingsville residents and business owners alike.  My platform reflects their concerns:

Transition the OPP Police Department back to the Municipality of Kingsville

  • Keep in mind when a police force is municipal, more money remains in the town (rather than the provincial wallets of greedy politicians).  We will maintain competitive salaries and benefits for the police force.  Friendly officers will patrol our residential streets more often; and become more active in community events.

Balance the Greenhouse Industry with Residential Living

  • Lights, byproduct run off, cannabis odour and zoning restrictions must be enforced.  Subsidies should be encouraged to help with these costs.  Abolishing the greenhouse industry is not the solution; as many residents are employed within the sector.  We rely on this industry to feed us and our friends around the world.

Affordable Housing

  • Affordable Housing is a euphemism for housing projects.  The government creates problems and then offers solutions where they can benefit monetarily.  Most young couples I surveyed have indicated they prefer to live in detached homes, as opposed to paying rent in apartment buildings.  Housing projects can lower the value of property, especially if erected in the downtown core or middle class neighbourhoods.

If the government really is interested in helping residents purchase homes, they would:

  • lower interest rates
  • regulate banks to allow longer terms and ease lending requirements
  • facilitate CHMC programs
  • mail out rebates for the 34% in fuel taxes

Assisting Small Business

  • I own a business and employ several people.  The last council offered a measly $500 cheque to business owners during the pandemic.  Yet a recent bid from the Town to purchase $390,000 worth of construction equipment and a $50,000 consulting project seem more important.  That money can be better utilized to subsidize local business. You should not use other people’s tax money to incur expenses irresponsibly.  Instead of begging our provincial government for handouts, Town Council needs to create multiple streams of revenue for Kingsville through conventional means such as more fundraiser events.

If you are interested in learning more about my education, volunteer efforts, work experience, platform & mission statement, please visit my facebook page at Sam Zad | Facebook and my website at

The website will be up in a few days; but you can send your questions, comments or concerns to:

And remember to confirm that you are registered to vote.  You can do so by visiting


  1. So you are not eligible for candidacy because of not responding before deadline?
    I’m so bummed… You had my vote!

  2. Kudos to you for standing up and speaking out, you have my vote. Freedom Convoy forever!!!. Good Luck

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