Canadian News

Basic TV Package Rates Under Review — Have Your Say

The Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission is seeking comments from Canadians in response to an application to increase the price cap for the basic TV package from $25 per month to $28 per month, with subsequent yearly adjustments based on inflation.

Since the basic TV package was introduced in 2016, the CRTC has capped the price at $25 per month to ensure an affordable entry-level service for subscribers. The package includes local and regional TV stations, community and provincial legislature channels, where available, and provincial and territorial educational channels.

Bell Canada, Cogeco Communications, Bragg Communications (Eastlink) and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) filed a joint application requesting to increase the maximum retail price of the TV package.  The application proposes that the annual increase to the price of the basic package should be based on the annual consumer price index for the preceding calendar year.

Ian Scott, Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer, CRTC stated that feedback from Canadians will help inform the CRTC decision. “Many Canadians rely on the basic TV package as a source for news, information, and entertainment. TV service providers are asking us if they may increase the maximum price of the basic TV package. We want to hear from Canadians about how a potential price increase could impact them.”

If you oppose or support this rate change, you can have your say by clicking here to fill out the online form.

Image by Victoria_rt from Pixabay

One Comment

  1. Gail Stiffler

    My comment relates to the cost of internet charges by Bell Canada. I have been a customer of Bell Canada for many years. They sold me a plan for high-speed internet at a cost of $80 monthly. It came to my attention recently that Kingsville does not have high-speed lines. Bell Canada should not be selling high-speed plans to customers in areas where the service is not available. When I brought this to their attention, they offered a reduction of $5o for four months on my plan. Insulting, to say the least, when they have been over-charging me for years. They should be refunding every customer retroactively for every month they were charged for high speed. How many other customers have been cheated by Bell Canada in Kingsville?

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