News, Town & County News

Town Council Meeting Looks at Progress Report on Greenhouse Light Abatement

A progress report on greenhouse light abatement was tabled at Monday’s Town Council meeting.

It has been a year since Kingsville passed a bylaw requiring greenhouses to protect the night skies. In that time, Building and By-law officials have worked with greenhouse owners to ensure facilities were fitted up with curtains and other barrier devices to block lighting.

And while greenhouse growers have been largely compliant, the installation of curtains has created an issue that is currently under investigation by researchers and academic organizations.

At the moment, the Harrow Research and Development Centre and the University of Guelph, along with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs are conducting research on light abatement within the greenhouse sector and in a specific mechanism referred to as “gapping.”

Gapping occurs when heat, humidity and moisture levels are too high in a greenhouse and results in curtains and venting automatically opening to regulate the growing environment. If gapping does not occur, the resulting increased moisture levels can be damaging to the plants.

The installation of ceiling and sidewall curtains affects the gapping mechanism. Current research suggests that even a small opening of 10% allows heat and humidity to escape.

The study will conclude in 2023 and interim reports will be released.

To read Kingsville’s By-law 96-2020, click here.

Image by 3282700 from Pixabay


  1. Frances Girling

    I agree Darwin. Their problem. Have they ever heard of a vent, dehumidifier or air exchanger? Other complying greenhouses are doing well. Delays are not acceptable.

  2. It would seem to me, just shutting the lights off would stop the issue with the incredibly huge glow from their lights. it would probably delay the maturation of their plants and that would impact their financial profitability. That, however, is their problem not the public’s. Perhaps they could move their operations north to remotely populated areas and resolve that and other issues. It would, however, probably continue to impact migratory birds, etc..

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