
Art Scoop: ASK Member Elaine Guitar-van Loo’s Art Journey

My art journey began in a small duplex house on Curry Avenue in Windsor, Ontario. Recovering from scarlet fever, my reoccurring vision of the last image I saw before the fever took hold was of Black Beauty.

If only I could have a horse!  Knowing the impossibility of this wish, I attempted to draw a picture.

Many failed drawings brought this 7-year-old girl great frustration. Fortunately, my stubbornness and encouragement from my mother helped me continue my quest.

On the first star in the night sky and every bedtime prayer, I included my wish to be an artist.

When my Grade 3 class was asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I proudly announced “I AM AN ARTIST,” and everyone laughed.

Each week I produced a sketch and displayed it on my teacher’s cork board until all the class agreed I was an artist.

So, my journey began with the foundation of practice, an attitude never to give up, and a belief in myself, with the result that others would also believe in me.

I am self-taught and I have worked with charcoal, graphite (pencil), pastel, gouache, watercolor, ink, oil, acrylic and coloured pencil.  Each medium has unique qualities and I enjoy all of them.

Nature and wildlife have been my greatest inspiration. Helping people see details that are often overlooked is a driving force.  Creating a stronger appreciation for our environment motivates me.

Art shows began shortly after high school.  During my freelance career, I continued to be represented by private galleries with yearly solo shows.  I was represented on the West Coast by Danaer Galleries and enjoyed success with my watercolours there.

I have participated in many group shows and have had the honour of acceptance in a few of The Best of America NOAPS shows and competitions (National Oil and Acrylic Painters).

I now focus and enjoy participating in Paint Ontario.  This show and competition is the largest show of representational art in Ontario September 3rd – 26th at Lambton Heritage Museum Grand Bend.  Those attending the show will have an opportunity to win one of my paintings.

I am grateful for the many awards I have received for my art. The best rewards have come from viewers.

They are not always verbal. It is a great honour to see a tear or a reaching hand to make physical contact with one of my paintings.

If a painting can capture a moment, or provide a feeling, a desire, or create awareness, I have succeeded. I have spent many years teaching others to find and fulfill their artistic abilities.

As I slowly retire from teaching I am beginning to focus once again on my own artistic endeavors.

I have so many ideas. As artists we continue to grow and challenge ourselves. To take a flat 2-D surface and create a sense of space, time and life through colour and texture is a wonderful thing.

That small child wanting a horse, therefore creating one for herself, is still a driving force. Wishes do come true with practice, determination and perseverance.

The Art Society of Kingsville has provided a family of like-minded people to join together and share knowledge and, most of all, support. This group is not only for artists, but also art lovers and supporters. I am honoured to be a member. Together we can create awareness and encouragement for the arts.

Contact Info for Elaine Guitar-van Loo:

Artwork archive


The Kingfisher Studio YouTube

Elaine Guitar-van Loo

All photos provided by Elaine Guitar van Loo


  1. I was never interested in art until I met you and you are an amazing artist and watching you and seeing all the details you do and what you hide in your art is something else like in the turtle painting all the little animals. You have a God given talent.

  2. Elaine, this article is a great story of the continuing journey of a very talented and wonderful artist. Your ability to bring light, and colour, and life into sometimes very ordinary subjects is a viewer’s delight. May you enjoy many more years of artistic exploration and execution. And just maybe, you might trade that art trailer for one that carries a Missouri Fox Trotter!

  3. Love your painted turtle!

    • Elaine Guitar

      Thankyou. It is a small complex painting 6×8 in. painted in 1982. I enjoyed the abstract forms created in the waters reflections. Nature is truly amazing.

  4. Lola Larson

    This is an enlightening article about a inspiring lifelong journey as a talented, self taught artist.

    • Elaine Guitar

      Thankyou. I appreciate you taking the time to read this article. Every painting provides a challenge and excitement for the next one to come.

  5. Heather Kerr aka Amorelle Gramfort

    I didn’t know you dabbled in so many mediums over the years. Loved hearing how you became an artist and the inspiration for your artistic journey of your wish for a horse. Thanks for sharing. Hope we can paint en plein air again soon.

    • Elaine Guitar

      Thankyou for taking the time to write. Each medium is unique and challenging. Looking forward to painting together soon.

  6. Another amazing artist in our own town. Isn’t her artwork incredible?

    • Elaine Guitar

      Thankyou Candace for your support and encouragement. Kingsville is blessed to have artist and advocates like you.

  7. Robert Lynch

    Elaine, I always knew you were good but WOW! you are really good. I am so glad to know you and be able see the terrific work you produce on a regular basis. Thank you for making life a lot more beautiful.

    • Elaine Guitar

      Thankyou Robert. You paint with words and I am grateful for your encouraging comments. Miss seeing and talking with you.

  8. Nice article about a talented lady with the right attitude for success! Love the hair style too, lol!

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