The Town of Kingsville is excited to announce the return of Open Streets, a popular summer event originally created to give downtown businesses the opportunity to expand their services into the street in order to keep guests appropriately distanced.
“As we have learned from experience, the pandemic and its many stages of recovery planning need an equally responsive and dynamic plan,” confirms Mayor Nelson Santos. “Collectively we seek to ensure there are opportunities to support our entrepreneurs across all sectors while providing a safe environment for our guests to experience Kingsville’s treasures.”
During its inaugural launch, Open Streets was presented by the Kingsville BIA with assistance from Town staff. This year, the Town will lead the effort with support from an Open Streets Advisory Committee. All businesses in Kingsville are encouraged to consider how they can partner with Open Streets.
“We analyzed feedback collected during last year’s event to make some key improvements to 2021 plans,” said Programs Manager, Karen Loney. “We want everyone to enjoy an engaging experience that highlights Kingsville’s excellent restaurants and shopping, as well as our vibrant arts and culture scene.”
Scaling down from three days a week, Open Streets 2021 is looking to take place once a week throughout the Summer months. The starting and end dates are still to be determined. Anyone interested in applying for the Open Streets Advisory Committee can fill out the Application for Appointment form before the end of day March 4, 2021.
February 25, 2021
Read this news update on our website
Photo by Chris Anson
Leave it to the town to take it over and change it from a whole weekend to one day way to go Kingsville very disappointed