Schools will remain open for in-person learning during four-week stay-at-home order as education workers become eligible for vaccines TORONTO — The Ontario government is introducing new measures to protect schools against COVID-19 which include refresher training, enhanced cleaning and asymptomatic testing. As these new measures are being introduced, the government […]
Town & County News
UPDATED: Consideration of Amendments to RV Parking By-Law Postponed
Updated: Postponed: Consideration of Amendments to By-Law Regulating Parking of Recreational Vehicles on Public and Private Property Amendments will be considered at the May 25, 2021 Regular Meeting of Council TAKE NOTICE that consideration of amendments to by-laws regulating recreational vehicles’ parking on public and private property (as advertised to […]
Ontario Enacts Provincial Emergency and Stay-at-Home Order
Additional measures needed to protect health system capacity and save lives during third wave of COVID-19 TORONTO — The Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and other health experts, is immediately declaring a third provincial emergency under s 7.0.1 (1) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMPCA). […]
Ontario Moving to Phase Two of COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan
Phase Two Supports Vaccine Rollout by Postal Code in “Hot Spot” Communities TORONTO — The Ontario government is moving into Phase Two of its COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan, with a focus on reaching individuals in “hot spot” communities where COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted certain neighbourhoods. In addition, this phase will prioritize […]
Ontario Implements Emergency Brake Provincewide
All 34 Public Health Unit Regions to Move into Shutdown TORONTO —The Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and other health experts, is imposing a provincewide emergency brake as a result of an alarming surge in case numbers and COVID-19 hospitalizations across the province. The provincewide emergency brake […]
Ontario Offering AstraZeneca Vaccine to Those 55+ Starting April 3
TORONTO — The Ontario government is steadily increasing capacity in its COVID-19 vaccine rollout with the addition of over 350 additional pharmacies and more primary care settings across the province. All of these locations will be offering the AstraZeneca vaccine to individuals aged 55 and over, with some locations to begin offering […]
Notice of Town’s Public Consultation 2021 Road Reconstruction Projects
The Town of Kingsville is preparing for two additional phases of Jasperson Drive reconstruction in 2021. Reconstruction from Peachwood Drive to Main Street East will proceed first and includes the following improvements: New asphalt roadway with curb and gutter and dedicated center turn lane. Replacement of existing watermain. Additional streetlights. […]
An Update on the COVID-19 Vaccine Program in our Community
Hello everyone! Please find below an update on the COVID-19 vaccine program in our community as part of my ongoing commitment to help keep you aware of how to access vaccination. The Province is expanding the pharmacy pilot but we do not know what that will look like yet. My […]
Town of Kingsville Supports Earth Hour
Earth Hour is Saturday, March 27, 2021, from 8:30 pm-9:30 pm. The Town of Kingsville invites the community to join in this global grassroots movement that calls for an hour of “change” for our planet. The Town will be turning off lights that do not pose a safety risk and […]
Town of Kingsville Now Offers Paperless Billing
The Town of Kingsville is improving services by offering the convenience of paperless billing. By enrolling in paperless billing, residents and property owners agree to receive an electronic copy of their tax and/or water bill instead of a conventional paper form. Benefits and features of paperless billing include: Email notification when […]