Dear Editor, Fear and worry, something there is way too much of today, are two things that left unchecked can control our lives. First, we must understand we live in a universe of duality. Everything — absolutely everything — has a positive and negative charge. For every up there’s a […]
Author: Kenneth J Martin
Electric Vehicles (EVs) — Good Idea or ? Part II
Click here to read Part I of this Letter to the Editor Dear Editor: Advantages of an electric vehicle include the capability to charge your vehicle at home and no more gas station visits, improvement of air quality and reduced maintenance costs. But there are restrictions that EVs bring as […]
Electric Vehicles (EVs) — Good Idea Or ?
Dear Editor: In 2008 Tesla Inc started production of its electric roadster ostensibly starting the movement to electric vehicles and changing forever the way we, the human race, move about our planet. Is this a good idea or not such a good idea? Let’s look at many of the pluses and […]