Mental Health

Mental Health Mighties with Danny G: Depression Renovation for 2025

In High School, I once lived a life as a people pleaser. I was a guy who just wanted to be liked by others so much that I didn’t realize how truly special I was. I didn’t have confidence in myself. I battled insecurities and low self-esteem. I was never kind to myself, but more importantly, I felt sorry for myself. I was battling anxiety and OCD.

I knew that whatever I was doing, whatever actions I was taking, was not working for me.

I decided that change was needed. I wanted to feel the opposite of how I was truly feeling. I wanted to be more confident. So, I had to look in the mirror and I decided to reinvent myself. Be the Danny Gautama that I know I am.

I started working out, becoming more confident, and gaining friends.

Many years later as a grown man, I worked hard on my mind just as much as my body. I remained nice, but very assertive. I did not tolerate any nonsense. In addition, I started setting my standards and expectations higher because I truly believed I was more than average. I had inner greatness in me. Now I had to prove to myself why.

I fought my fears, I made progress every day, I had undeniable determination, and I focused on the path that was moving me higher. I truly believed I was UNSTOPPABLE, which is why I am happier and succeeding in what I do today. I gave myself a Depression Renovation.

What is a Depression Renovation?

A Depression Renovation is a way to become a better and happier version of YOU! You will always be AWESOME, but it is enhancing your awesomeness to another level that will work for you and not against you.

Speaking of depression, if you feel depressed, you know that whatever you are doing is not helping you. As much as you are trying, it is not working. So, let’s give you a beautiful makeover from the inside, so you will radiate from the outside.

I want to share some tips that can help you see the beautiful person in you and the gifts you have to turn your life around and show the world this is who you truly are. Remember, depression is not you. It does not define you.

To get rid of depression, you need to put a little acceleration behind the wheel. You know, like what Vin Diesel did in The Fast and The Furious. Now it’s your turn to go behind the wheel and become The Strong and The Happiest.

As you get stronger and re-invent the new you, your depression becomes weaker. So, are you ready for the makeover? Okay, let’s go!

First ask yourself, where do you see yourself? How do you want to be? What do you want to do? Always visualize where you see your life and take those steps to turn them into fruition.


You can’t go any further in life unless you make a decision. “I MUST improve my life.” “I MUST face my fears.” “I MUST BELIEVE IN MYSELF.”

When you tell yourself I MUST, you have already made shift changes in your mind to take positive actions. I know it can be tough when you have depression and want to stay in bed all day. But waking up early gets your day started early. It enables you to be productive and accomplish things. Don’t forget to make your bed, champs.


When you are depressed, you will notice a down look on your face. You will see your posture slouching and you have no energy. Stand up straight and tall. Be proud of yourself and remember, there is only ONE YOU!

Now I want you to practice smiling in the mirror. Smiling boosts your mood and releases endorphins and serotonin. These are neurotransmitters and brain chemicals that increase your mood. Steve Martin always did this. You need to do this several times a day every day.

Also, please dress well. You have heard the term “dress for success.” When people have depression, they stop doing everyday chores, and dressing well becomes a chore to them. Shower, brush your teeth, get dressed, and feel fresh, and clean.

It will give you a motivation boost to do something productive. Could you do this every day, and consistently as well?


Imagine me in your bedroom waking you up and SHOUTING, “GET UP CHAMP. IT”S TIME TO HIT THE GYM!” Exercise is important. It helps you feel good about yourself. It is just like I said about smiling. When you exercise, your body releases brain chemicals which are responsible for giving you that happy feeling.

So, whatever you are trying to do, make sure you keep your body moving. Running, walking, yoga and strength training are great.


There is no Depression Renovation if you don’t include PROGRESS. Progress means every day. NOT once a week or month. Consistency and persistence are the keys to results. You have to take the steps to become a new you.

Remember what I said about “enhancing your awesomeness.” Progress means setting goals, planning, and starting work on them. It doesn’t matter how slow you go, keep making progress daily.


• Challenge any thoughts that cause you to remain the same.

• Let things that make you happy in.

• Discard whatever makes you unhappy out.

• Prioritize your life to the importance of what you need to do that is taking you one step forward to where you need to be.

• Practice daily affirmations such as “I love everything about myself.” “I am loved.” “Others love me.” “I am valued just as much for my existence,” etc.

• Practice Gratefulness and Gratitude. Remember, progress happens when excuses stop. So, as I said, you have to stay persistent and consistent, and you can do anything.

You MUST break out of the pattern of doing the same things and expecting different results. It just becomes a vicious cycle when you do the same negative routine on a daily basis. And it brings you right back to where you started — depressed. It’s time to BREAK THAT CYCLE and MOVE FORWARD.


I will be the first to tell you, that there is no better feeling than helping someone and putting a smile on their face. Just like my immense passion is to lift heavy weights, helping others is in the same company. I breathe it with the utmost passion. It drives me and I thrive on helping people.

It puts less focus on your situation and more on others. You will feel better when you help others. It is always a WIN-WIN situation. Go out there and volunteer, be empathetic, understanding, and kind, and make that person feel so happy that you exist in this world. Beautiful people struggling with depression need a beautiful hero like you.


Self-love and Self-acceptance are very important for your happiness. How can you truly be happy if you don’t like who you see in the mirror? You are one of a kind.

I challenge you to write 5-10 positive things about how you look physically. Now I want you to write 5-10 positive sentences on why you are a great person. After that, write down what makes you unique.

Because the fact of the matter is, YOU ARE UNIQUE. Even the flaws you think you have make you beautiful and make you stand out.

These are some of the things and techniques I used to overcome my battles that made me a happier person, full of life and passion. I want nothing but to see you happy. Your happiness is my happiness.

I don’t want you to struggle anymore. You don’t deserve it. You deserve so many great things in this world. You deserve an exuberant life filled with peace, love, joy and happiness.

So, what are you waiting for? Book your Depression Renovation appointment NOW!

God bless you and Happy New Year.


Twitter: @DannyGautama

Instagram: danny_gautama

The Mighty: dannygautamawellness

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

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