At its January 13, 2025 meeting, Council:
- Approved the following actions based on the recommendations of the Integrity Commissioner’s report dated January 6, 2025, respecting an investigation of a complaint received regarding the conduct of a Town of Kingsville Committee Member:
- That Council issues a public reprimand to the Committee Member for their conduct;
- Directed the Committee Member to apologize in writing to the Migration Festival Committee and Councillor Lowrie and if the apology is refused, their appointment to the Migration Festival Committee will be rescinded within 14 days of written notice by the Acting Clerk;
- Directed that the Committee Member also be removed from the Fantasy of Lights Committee if the decision is made to remove them from the Migration Festival Committee;
- Authorized the Acting Clerk to remove the Committee Member from both the Migration Festival Committee and Fantasy of Lights Committee without consulting Council if they repeat similar misconduct; and,
- And further directed that newly appointed Committee Members are required to complete training and sign the Code of Conduct and other relevant policies before assuming their position.
- Approved the following amendments to the Town’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law 1-2014 to the following:
- Section 4.2(h): The maximum height for accessory buildings and structures is 5.8 m (19 ft.) in residential zones within the primary and secondary settlement area and 6.5 m (21.3 ft.) in residential zones or lots under 2 ha outside the settlement area.
- Section 4.2(i): The maximum height for an accessory building containing a dwelling unit is 6.5 m (21.3 ft.).
- Deferred the report titled Main Street Neighbourhood and Gateway – Building Heights, to the February 10, 2025, Regular Meeting of Council.
- Approved a 3-year Funding Agreement for ERCA’s Non-Mandatory Programs and Services, with the Town’s contribution for 2025 being $21,520.00.
- Authorized Administration to enter into a Joint Pound Facility and Pound Services Agreement with the Municipality of Leamington.
- Authorized Administration to prepare a 4-year Funding Agreement between the Town of Kingsville and Kingsville Historical Park Inc. in the amount of $10,000.00 per year.
- Approved the following amendments to the Town’s Boarding, Lodging, and Rooming Houses (BLRH) By-law 3-2024:
- Clarification that the By-law does not apply to long-term care homes, homes for special care, and retirement homes licensed by the Province;
- Clarification of the provisions of the By-law related to appeals of licensing decisions.
- Approved amendments to the Fees and Charges By-law 89-2024 to reflect new fees for a Boarding, Lodging and Rooming House (BLRH) Licence.
Council Briefs are intended to be a quick summary following Council meetings. Council Briefs do not replace the official minutes, which are published following adoption at the next scheduled Council meeting. If you have any questions about the summary provided above, please email
Image by QuinceCreative from Pixabay