On December 16, 2024, Ontario Nature, Nature Canada and 58 of their partner organizations wrote an open letter to Acting Minister McCarthy (Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks) and Minister Smith (Minister of Natural Resources) requesting that the Government of Ontario commit to protecting and restoring nature.
Biodiversity loss and climate change are international crises that require effective cooperation between all levels of government. Provincial governments ultimately play an equal role as the federal government, especially since 87% of Ontario’s land mass is provincial Crown Land.

In June 2024, the federal government released the 2030 Nature Strategy as an important step in addressing biodiversity loss and meeting Canada’s international commitments. The Government of Ontario has participated in recent federal-provincial-territorial meetings on nature and the Ontario Biodiversity Council developed a provincial Biodiversity Strategy.
This strategy contains many of the same targets to halt and reverse biodiversity loss as the national strategy and international framework. Yet, Ontario lacks a coordinated implementation plan.
In November 2023, the governments of Canada and British Columbia, and the First Nations Leadership Council signed a tripartite framework agreement on nature conservation, which commits to halting and reversing biodiversity loss.

The Government of Quebec released its 2030 Nature Plan earlier this year. To date, the governments of Ontario and Canada have signed a $10 million agreement over three years to support the expansion of protected areas in Ontario. This agreement does not commit Ontario to the national and international targets and is a disappointing investment to meet the challenge of biodiversity loss.
While other provinces are making significant progress to achieving one of the hallmark targets, protecting 30% of lands and waters by 2030, Ontario remains at about 11%. This is compared to around 20% of British Columbia, 17% of Quebec and 16% of Alberta protected.

“The Government of Ontario needs to demonstrate national leadership and commit to a coordinated and consistent plan to achieve established targets to protect and restore nature,” said Tony Morris, Ontario Nature’s Director of Conservation Policy and Campaigns. The government’s own protected areas working group reported that Ontarians overwhelmingly support creating more protected areas and addressing environmental issues like wildlife protection and climate change.
The Government of Ontario must recognize the vital importance of nature to the province’s overall well-being and long-term sustainability. Ontario Nature calls on the government to commit to a plan that will protect and restore nature.