In an effort to move talks forward, Canada Post earlier today presented the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) with a comprehensive framework for reaching negotiated agreements.
The framework includes proposals to bring greater flexibility to the Corporation’s delivery model, while also demonstrating movement on other key issues. It is our hope that these proposals will reignite discussions and, together with the support of mediators, help the parties work toward final agreements.
To facilitate talks, we will not be providing further details outside the negotiations process at this time.
We understand the impact CUPW’s national strike is having on our employees and so many Canadians.
Canada Post remains committed to negotiating new collective agreements that will provide our employees and customers with the certainty they are looking for.
rural sk has always had to go to the post office building in order to get our mail. It won’t kill city folk to go to a corner mail box
My home based business is done.
I took 4 years to build it up and they took it down in two weeks. I live where I dont have access to other shippers.
One of the unions demands was to have access to “gender affirming care” including surgery and drugs. F*ck that
Also the union stands with terrorist thugs see their official statement.
If they ever get back to work I will be insuring they never step foot on my property again with their flyers.
I would never use Canada post for anything again. All they deliver to me is a mail box full of flyers. I’m out.
It’s all so easy for the public to fault the workers. Of course, it’s those greedy union workers who are to blame for a strike and, good God, inconveniencing me. Those shiftless workers don’t deserve a decent wage and benefits because, by gosh, I don’t make that kind of money or have those benefits. No one else deserves more than me in my non-union job. On the subject of unions, get rid of them. They are greedy and cause me angst. I don’t have a union job and management never takes advantage of me, other than not paying me more and not providing benefits like the greedy workers at almost all unionized companies. Why, if I made that kind of money and benefits I wouldn’t accept them. It’s just too much and I have principles.
Half of the postal workers can be replaced by a postage box. This is by far one of the least skilled public jobs, and there are plenty of private companies who can do the same thing at the same. or even cheaper costs.
At least now I know why I didn’t receive my cheque from Rakuten! Lol
My father was involved with the union back in the 30s and throughout his life rallied behind the steel workers.
When he began his involvement there were no laws to protect the workers in Canada. My mother was also involved in the Chemical Workers Union. As a child I marched in parades, attended conferences and even sang on stage, my father played his guitar and I knew the words to “You can’t scare me, I’m sticking to the union” when I was 5.
My father’s generation would never created a strike at the busiest time of the year for the company he worked for, that would be nonsensical, the company would have suffered loss that could very well cost his very job, he was smarter than that. Also he wouldn’t have gone on strike if it would break many small businesses contributing to the domino effect of his company’s eventual demise. The postal union has lost it’s mind.
If a bridge was deemed unsafe, that union workers wouldn’t say, “hey this is a perfect time to go on strike!” Their compassion would put the safety of the public first.
Postal Workers Union … you don’t give a damn if the public enjoys their Christmas, perhaps we should call you the Grinch Union … live it up! Turn green for all I care. Your days are numbered and you have caused this.
Pension?? Keep it up you won’t have one … just like all the people, who don’t work in government-related firms.
Since 1965 the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (previously Canadian Postal Employees Association) has been involved in approximately 19 major disputes. So, yes – dissolve Canada Post and reinvent it: automate wherever possible, limit home delivery as a courier service. Pay gig workers well. I would like to see a federal back to work move, and absolutely no bail-outs unless a viable business plan is developed and adhered to. Time for this crown corp to at least break even.
Yes, let’s have it only as a courier service so that people in rural and remote communities have no options and no mail. Thank you for thinking of all of us.
Same here Kara.
I say dissolve it everywhere except for the rural areas. Cut the costs!!
I think they should all be fired and there should be no such thing as union jobs for government jobs (and I’m pro union). Unions are there to protect the employee from exploitation from their boss. In this case the citizens are their boss. This whole mess is an example of tax dollars being stolen to inflate the government. Here you have glorified paperboys demanding 30+ dollars an hour and a pension. They want more money than nurses make after four years of university. It is insane and this is all being funded by our money, my money. Disband the post office, Canadians deserve to have the cheapest mail service available. Let the free market take their contracts and they can go get a real job if they want that kind of money. I’m not paying 30+ dollars an hour and a pension for you to deliver my mail. This is insane.
Not government funded. Go educate yourself better .
Lol, so the losses of 750m last year wasn’t from the government?
It s far from breaking even and is gov founded at the moment. You can go educate.
It is government backed.
They are a Crown Corporation.
Who do you think backs their billions of dollars in bond liability?
The Government of Canada does.
It’s right on Canada Posts website.
Why don’t YOU go ‘EDUCATE’ YOURself?
Wow. No tax dollars spent on Canada Post. Fact check yourself. $30+ per hour. What planet are you on. If you don’t make $30+ an hour and get a pension and are sore about it, I strongly suggest applying for Canada Post. You will not get near anything close to $30/per our but a bit more the minimum wage. You do get a pension after 30+ years and you’re 60. Most new hires don’t last more than a month. If you’re looking for better then what you have now why not apply after the strike. They can’t keep employees so if it’s better than what you’re doing now. Go for it. You’ll get hired on probably full time right away.
The Candian Public has paid in full for Canada’s premier data collection service, otherwise known as postal transformation. CPC no longer needs your lettermail. You will soon only be able vote by mail, complete managed transactions (ie. driver’s license, taxes, assesments, ) that will update data systems. Canada post has expanded and refined it’s data capture entity to rival and surpass any social media offering. The true value of CPC has nothing to do with delivery services at all.
Some people hate unions and some wished they had,
I’m not for or against unions,
But if it were not for them, can you not mention how much management would be putting in their comfortable pockets ?
Then consider the rest of the working poor
They struggle while being scared to even ask for a raise, when management will never say one word to give you a raise to help you live a better and more comfortable life,
They will let you suffer until there is no other means to help you, and let you go at the promise of someone else’s word,
Definitely I am waiting for a parcel, and it hurts,
Let the good lord come and settle the thieves of deception
So they know their place in life
And can suffer along with the rest of us.
The fact that there are unions in places like Canada Post and other large corporations helps all of us who are workers. Without unions, companies could play us all on each other the way the other people in the comments here are doing. We would be told to be happy we have a job, even though that job doesn’t pay us enough for a living wage.
Why can’t we support each other and want everyone to be paid a decent wage and have good working conditions, instead of saying other people should be grateful to have a job, even while we whine and complain that we don’t get enough of our share?
Although I often find unions to be frustrating because it feels like they paint ‘the employer’ as the bad guy, I am grateful for their existence. And so should we all. I understand the difficulty here because Canada Post has been losing money, but surely we would rather have people who deliver our mail make decent money than have all of them end up as gig workers who have to use their own vehicles and make almost nothing the way that independent contractors delivering packages for Amazon do? Do we really want Jeff Bezos to get richer while the rest of us get poorer?
Public sector unions! They have working conditions , wages,benefits and Cadillac pensions the rest of us don’t enjoy. We all pay for it, the service is poorly delivered and now they have the entitled gall to hold the entire country to ransom.
Get rid of the whole rotten edifice
Canada Post drowning in red ink.
This corporation needs to have a new business plan to restructure.
1) close & sell off smaller postal outlets and relocate to larger centres or install sheltered community mail boxes.
2)redeploy the current work forces according to the new business plan.
3)schule delivery days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. etc, etc.
We do not need further consolidation of basic services to major urban centers. Tired of cities believing that rural Canada is unimportant or worth sacrificing to preserve their bourgeois lifestyle of same-day delivery and doggy daycare.
More benefits and 22% sakary raise!!!!! Come on… look at private sector. They don’t even get any pension. Time to privatize canada post.
I can’t get paid for my returns and I am paying credit card interest for that. Thank you folks.
I for one back these postal workers 100%. The Federal Government has not treated these workers fairly and has done a very bad job at operating Canada Post. They like to hire more part time workers so they don’t have to pay benefits, sick pay or vacation pay but these part time workers often work “full-time” hours even though they are classified part time. And if they had kept up with the cost of living increases in wages for the workers but they have NOT. No I’m not a postal worker but they are not the bad guys here … look at the Feds!!
Poor postal workers who deliver flyers and junk mail mostly. There should be delivery two days a week,Monday and Thursday and like someone suggested trim the workforce to 15000.
I think if I spent an hour I could not work up a tear for either side. They really have no icdea who their competition is now I think. And the income and benefits you have far outpace anything the rest of us can muster in most cases. Take what your can negotiate and get back to work. If you don’t like the conditions, pack your go bag and find a better option. There aren’t many out there. But if you can find one, run like hell towards it before the house of cards called Canada Post caves in.
Don’tbe the. Grinch who steals Christmas!
I love people who speak about a job they’ve never done with such authority, haha! I’m a 64 year old permanently disabled (for the last 9 years) former postie. Thanks all you know it alls for not shoveling and de-icing your walk ways, not repairing rotting stair steps, making sure you have proper hand rails and keeping your dogs contained. It’s not always about the money.
I’m glad we don’t have to lick the back of the stamp anymore
it’s that time of year again, our Christmas gifts and cards are being held ransom by already overpaid low skilled government laborer’s.
Afforded on the backs of anyone not working in government. I’m not getting a raise, but I should have to pay higher taxes to pay the public sector? So you make more, and I make LESS. And they wonder why everyone is moving to the US.
Canada Post is a relic of the past. Time to privatize! Use Amazon as your model of efficiency.
I walk five kilometers everyday as part of my goal to remain healthy. I would gladly accept a reasonable flat daily fee to deliver mail along the way. Seriously!
Canada Post need to be Privitized
One day the postal service will be no longer needed, Oh Well!
Typical stupid comments coming from the public. If Canada post is such a great job, and we get paid enough, there wouldn’t be the turnover. A letter carrying job is not like Walmart, it’s very hard work. However, it’s always the worker, never the top heavy bloat that comes with crown corporations. Too many managers too many bonuses. Just like the CBC with the exception that Canada post doesn’t steal public money.
Find another job that is not hard work like Canada post, I mean hardly work.
Hi there. I get paid by cheques so you guys have ruined my life as a Canadian citizen I can’t do nothing or go nowhere anymore can’t afford to live in you guys are killing us slowly you guys got to get back to work and take this seriously you guys are affecting everybody in all businesses the Canadian government should take action against the employees because you guys are ruining all Canadians life not just one life all lifes. I get paid by checks and then I receive them by the mail and they’re striking with that being said I haven’t received any payment within the last 20 days and that’s not fair I should sue them so should Canadians do the same thing as well.
Last time we had a strike I had a parcel that winked out of existence that was not able to be found. It remains a mystery to this day.
Oh my god I hope you can recover from your horrible loss. Thanks for being so brave as to share your harrowing story with us.
Come on people. Get back to work. Canada depends on you, especially this time of year. Don’t be grinches. The world is in enough bad situations. Let’s not be one of them.
In a time where work is hard to find and the economy is crashing how about be thankful for what you have
It’s all about money. Safety, technology and miscellaneous issues are always added in to distract from the real issue – more money.
Delivering mail should not be a high paying job. It is mostly low skilled labor needed. Sorry, not sorry. Without the union, this would be the equivalent of working at Walmart or Amazon. You are already overpaid.
Canada post could be run on 25% of its current work force. Shut it down and privatize
Absolutely unnecessary exercise – the whole thing is a pantomime. I applied for a job; I got the job and do the work. I had no choice but to become a member of the union- a necessity to work there. The union facilitates a managerial role resolving issues such as pay, raises, workload, distribution of duties etc. – this all complements corporate management. I have had no input into union or managerial decisions. Who runs the negotiations ? who vets a strike vote ? Where was it held ? when ? The union is an old boys club just like management. No one asked me what I want.
Management decides to spend hundreds of millions on a new parcel sorting facility, then torpedoes their parcel service citing massive financial loses- so I guess the next step will be to sell it to some of the directors friends (remember skydome ?) while the executive class sip their lattes tsk tsk tsking at the once healthy folks mounting injuries on the job. Try seeing a doctor or going to a hospital nowadays…..So, since the clock has run out on the contract the corporation now sees free rein to lose it’s responsibility for it’s employees. 50000+ folks who hold mortagages, pay bills, who have cars and pay for insurance, who live, bank and shop in your neighbourhood. These workers dont have off-shore bank accounts like the executives do. What kind of financial impact does a recession have on your bottom line ? Tent city hasnt grown big enough for you, huh ? Remember, what comes around goes around – and you’re next.
Grrr. Work for free, I only value myself! How dare you seek living wages. I don’t get living wages, so why should you. It’s not like winning a major pay increase after the devastating inflation we’ve had might set a precedent for other public sector workers, and then it’s not like other industries would have to follow suit, like it’s not like it’s shameful for big profitable companies to be paying less than the government. Like, God, are you like, trying to get, like people to have living wages? Trudeau is giving the poor, people who make less than 150k, $250. You should just be happy with that increase. What you so fancy you wanna be middle class? Middle class will remain at 70k no matter much our money in deflated. Reality doesn’t matter, grandma told me 30 years ago that 70k is good money so that’s all any of us poor should ever get. Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps, and cancel your Disney+. That’s all you have to do to pay 80k a year on rent with your 70k a year job. Ugh, some people. Sarcastic, because you probably can’t tell anymore.
Be thankful you have a job that’s always paid well and taking care of you! What other company can lose millions of dollars for the past 8 years straight and still keep the doors open? Greed generates greed!
… Oh… but I was GRATEFUL to get my OAP check in the mail… THANK YOU very much!! ☺️
This is a SAD MOMENT for us, as our Christmas letters/cards/packages/birthday cards/packages will NOW NOT be delivered on time for any of it! BUT, we’ll just have to celebrate things at a LATER date. Crummy all around. We have a couple family members going through HARD TIMES whom we send packages to each month. I don’t do e-transfers or other online “sending”….LOVE using the MORE PERSONAL POSTAL SYSTEM. 🤔UNTIL NOW! I MAY just have to change my ways now! Hope this all gets resolved FAST.
I sure hope the strikers realize how many small home owned businesses have been forced to close down and have lost years of hard earned money because of your 24% demand for more wages! Shame on all of you. Also you’ve gutted Christmas for many many people who have ordered presents and probably may never see them or have them in January. Merry F’n Christmas!!!
Perhaps you can see the value that Canada post provides as a public service similar to other unprofitable public services like fire fighting or public libraries. Public services aren’t about being profitable.
Canada post is the only company that delivers to PO Boxes. Maybe because it’s not economically viable to run a business shipping things to the middle of butt f*** nowhere which we have plenty of in Canada. So what do we do? Not get mail or pay a living wage for people to provide such a public service.
If Canada Post didn’t offer a competitive product then why can’t small businesses ship with another company? Maybe one could almost say that Canada Post was subsidizing parts of their business since the costs are so extravagantly higher to use the other shipping providers.
These workers are people, not machines.
All you want is money
I have 3 cheques in the mail? Lost? Stuck? destroyed? Who knows?