At the Leamington Council meeting of Tuesday, October 22, 2024, Council will:
- Hold a Public Meeting under the Planning Act to consider:
- An application which seeks to rezone 73, 97, 101, 111, 125, 129 Seacliff Drive to permit mixed-use buildings and existing residential uses.
- An application which seeks to rezone 151 Robson Road from a Residential (R1) Zone to a Residential (R5 (h)) Zone to facilitate future development of the site.
- A Minor Variance Application for the property located at 125 Talbot Street West which seeks relief from zoning provisions for semi-detached dwellings, single unit attached dwellings, parking area requirements, accessory uses, building and structures, parking area standards and sight visibility triangles.
- A request to grant a permanent easement to Hydro One Networks Inc. upon a segment of the Trans Canada Trail owned by the Municipality of Leamington.
- A new by-law that would reflect the current practices for civil marriage ceremonies.
For further information, please refer to the Council agenda and minutes at The meeting will be streamed live online for public viewing at