Mental Health

Mental Health Mighties with Danny G: Through the Eyes of Children

We live in such a fast-paced world. We go to work, school, pay bills, getting around and running errands. This is part of being an adult. But, sometimes, being an adult can be quite overwhelming. Sometimes we need a break just to bring out our inner child in us.

I love children and I love animals. And one day with God’s grace, I will have my own children. Children are soothing, calming and relaxing. They are teaching us what living life to the fullest is all about. They bring us comfort, joy and happiness.

I have two nephews, they consider me a gentle giant, and I relish every opportunity I get when I am able to spend time with them.

Here are several things that I for one have learned from these extraordinary beautiful munchkins we call children.

1) Children have taught me to speak the truth.
Children see things as they are. They are being honest and open about how they are feeling at that very moment. They are not afraid to express themselves. This helps me to stand up for what I believe in and not have that anxious feeling of holding it in. The truth does set you free.

2) Children have taught me to live in the moment.
Children are not worried about the past and could care less about the future. They just live in that moment and focus on what they are doing at that time.

I used to worry very much about the future and be down about the past. Today, I live my life in compartments. This means, at that moment, I focus on one thing at a time. And when that moment is done, I focus on the other compartments.

For example, focusing on reading an inspirational book, then at work I focus on that. To me, this is what living life to the fullest means. Just live your best at that moment. And that is how children live.

3) Children have taught me to laugh as much as I can.
When children laugh, it is one of the biggest joys in my life. They are full of innocence and life. Laughing is a great way to relieve any kind of stress you are going through. Genuine laughing releases happy brain chemicals and you feel good.

A few of my friends and I once saw the movie The Hangover. And honestly, I laughed so hard that my stomach muscles started to cramp. So, laugh as much as you can folks, especially if you encounter problems. There are always solutions.

4) Children have taught me that it is okay to cry.
Children cry when they are sad. They don’t hold it in and try to hide it. They are expressing themselves and they don’t care who is watching. We are taught that crying is a sign of weakness, but I think it is the opposite.

Crying is strength and power. Crying even helps you feel better. I have had my shares of tears when I once struggled and I do not regret it one bit.

5) Children have taught me to be creative.
Children love to be creative in the way they draw and the way they play. If you give a kid Play-Doh or Legos, just watch and observe what they can create.

I used this to create ideas or unique projects that I am working on. It’s like my inner child is feeding me these great ideas. So, use your imagination because an idea can ultimately change the world.

6) Children have taught me to love and be affectionate.
Children are very loving and affectionate. They jump on you, hug you, kiss you, and say I love you. As I stated, children are very open about the way they feel and are very expressive.

I have been loving ever since the day I was born. I just love. To me, love is the biggest healer. I do not like shaking hands. I love to hug people.

7) Children have taught me not to care what others think.
Look at children for example. They are not worried about how to impress people or act differently than who they are. They are who they are and they don’t seem to mind that, so why should we? Being ourselves is the primary and most important step to self-acceptance.

8) Children have taught me to worry less and have more fun.
We get so caught up with the “what if ” in our lives that we let that rob us out of our happiness. Did you know 90 percent of the things we worry about do not happen? And of the 10 percent that does happen, it is not as bad as we make it out be. So, don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.

9) Children have taught me you can be any age and have a little play time.
I once went to Jackson Park in Windsor with a girl who I dated. We walked through the park and it started to rain. Instead of running to the car, we ended up cuddling on a bench, just embracing the moment and laughing it off while we were soaking wet.

I felt like I did when I was small and I used to go outside in the rain and jump around. I still watch a good Disney cartoon movie or taking my nephews to go on the swings and slides with them. Nothing else matters at that moment. No problems and no worries.

10) Finally, children have taught me to be fearless and happy.
Children are not running and screaming if they see a mouse or a garter snake. They would probably chase it. However, children need to be taught what the difference between being in a dangerous situation and what being brave and valiant means.

Quick story. When I was in kindergarten, we had a pet garter snake. And all the kids loved it. Each day, we each got a chance to take it home. And when it was my turn, I asked my parents if I could bring a friend over, as they did not seem to mind. When I came home, my Dad asked where my friend was.

I told him he was in my school bag. My dad thought, “WHAT?” I quickly took out the garter snake and let’s just say my dad screamed so loud, and he told me to take my buddy outside.  I do not remember too much, but I know this story because to this day, my dad still tells people about it.

So, be fearless. If you are not in a dangerous situation, then the chances are, you are creating this fear. Children are generally happy kids. They like to do what they love and to them, that is happiness. That is how we must live. And that is to do what we love and what authentically makes us happy.

Image by Petra from Pixabay

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