At the February 5, 2024 meeting, Council:
– Adopted an Engineer’s Report prepared by Peralta Engineering Ltd., dated January 5, 2024, for the construction of three (3) new bridges on the Cameron Road Branch of the Billings Drain for the owner of the parcel under Roll # 610-00302.
– Adopted an Engineer’s Report prepared by Peralta Engineering Ltd., dated January 15, 2024, regarding a new petition drain for the Jamis Drain and branches for the owner of parcels 1-7 under Roll # 290-08900.
– Adopted an Engineer’s Report prepared by Rood Engineering Inc., dated January 4, 2024, regarding the Orton Drain and the legalization of a temporary bridge for the owner of parcels under Roll # 480-001600.
– Adopted By-law 07-2024 to amend the zoning on the subject parcel municipally known as 297 Glass Avenue in the Town of Kingsville, from ‘Residential Zone 1 Urban’ to ‘Residential Zone 1 Urban Exception 31’ to permit a semi-detached dwelling and semi-detached dwelling unit; and, reduction of the required interior side yard setback from 3 m to 2.2 m.
– Approved Consent Application B-2024-1 for the purpose of a lot-line adjustment for the lands known as 308 and 314 Road 8 West subject to certain conditions. Council further adopted Official Plan Amendment No. 17 to re-designate parts of lands from ‘Agricultural’ to ‘Industrial’ and directed Administration to forward the amendment to the County of Essex for final approval. Lastly, Council approved ZBA-2024-1, from ‘General Agricultural’ to ‘General Light Industrial’ subject to final approval by the County of Essex.
– Awarded the tender for the paving of the Mettawas Park Parking Lot to J.C.S. Construction Inc. in the amount of $406,848 (excluding HST) Council also directed Administration to expense an additional $30,000 from collected development charges and an additional $10,000 from the Mettawas Park Reserve Account, to fund an expected deficit.
– Approved final acceptance and assumption of the roadway and infrastructure for the Marcovecchio Industrial Subdivision Phase 1.
– Approved Part Lot Control By-law 10-2024 to allow Part 2, 12R-29060 to be exempt from Section 50(5) of the Planning Act for 1582 & 1584 Jasperson Drive.
Council Briefs are intended to be a quick summary following Council meetings. Council Briefs do not replace the official minutes, which are published following adoption at the next scheduled Council meeting.
If you have any questions about the summary provided above, please email
Image by QuinceCreative from Pixabay