At the January 29. 2024 meeting, Council:
- Adopted By-law 06-2024 being a By-law to amend the Town’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law. By-law 06-2024 amends the zoning on the subject lands (being 200 and 230 Heritage Road) from Lakeshore Residential – Holding, LR(h) to Lakeshore Residential (LR), as a result of a lot creation and lot addition that was obtained on the subject parcels through consent applications B-2023-16 and B-2023-17.
- Adopted the Interim Tax Levy By-law 05-2024 being a By-law for the establishment of interim tax rates to raise $10,994,407.60 in municipal property taxes.
- Approved fourteen (14) Kingsville Community Grants for 2024, totaling $55,000.00.
- Directed Administration to amend the Kingsville Community Grant Fund Policy (FS-001) to include a requirement for all organizations to provide current financial statements and bank balances as part of an Application to the Grant Fund Program; and, to include a requirement for organizations to provide Administration with a request in writing to use funds for an alternative purpose. Significant changes to fund-use will require Council approval.
- Appointed Mary Ellen Bench (Bench Municipal Law + Governance) as the Town’s Integrity Commissioner and Closed Meeting Investigator beginning April 12, 2024, for a five (5) year term, ending April 12, 2029, and authorized the Mayor and the Clerk to execute the necessary agreement on behalf of the Town.
Council Briefs are intended to be a quick summary following Council meetings. Council Briefs do not replace the official minutes, which are published following adoption at the next scheduled Council meeting. If you have any questions about the summary provided above, please email
Image by QuinceCreative from Pixabay