
Snowbird Report Card Reveals Most Provinces Breaching Canada Health Act

As the busy winter travel season ramps up, Canadian travellers are being reminded that, in most cases, their health coverage does not follow them abroad.

Only the Canadian territories and the province of Prince Edward Island are obeying the requirement of the Canada Health Act to provide portable universal health care for the more than 56 million trips Canadians take abroad each year, according to the ninth edition of the Canadian Travellers’ Report Card, released by the Canadian Snowbird Association (CSA).

“Politicians of all stripes need to be reminded that the portability principle of the Canada Health Act, with a few notable exceptions, is not being met.” said Karen Huestis, president of the Canadian Snowbird Association.

“The busy winter travel season should remind all Canadians that the principles of universality and portability we expect from our health care system must now be supported by government action.”

Overall grades awarded as an average across all categories are as follows:

The thinly populated territories and the small province of Prince Edward Island are the only jurisdictions that provide health coverage to residents who require emergency health services while travelling at the same rate as if the emergency had occurred while at home – as required by the Canada Health Act.

More populous provinces such as British ColumbiaAlberta and Québec provide only minimal coverage for their residents who have emergencies outside of Canada. Likewise, some governments threaten to cut off health coverage for tax-paying Canadians if they are out of the province for more than six months, denying them access to the universal health care promised to all Canadians.

In addition to reviewing access to emergency care while travelling, the report also evaluates governments on how frequently Canadians may travel and still receive health coverage, travel supply policies of government prescription drug programs, accessibility of distance voting during elections, and the availability of clear government information on these services and policies.

The ninth edition of the Canadian Travellers’ Report Card is available online in both English and French at

Image by Jan Vašek from Pixabay

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