
Pharmacists Can Administer a Variety of Vaccines


In addition to all our previously listed vaccines we are now able to administer the RSV vaccination. This vaccine is not a public health vaccine and still requires a prescription from a prescriber (MD or NP) to obtain but now rather than having to take it to them for administration we are able to give it to you right here in the pharmacy.

Did you know that injection trained pharmacists are able to administer many different vaccines? Aside from COVID-19 and influenza vaccines we are also able to administer a list of other non-publicly funded vaccines. Lists below are by different categories for when you might need them.

Routine Vaccines:
Influenza, COVID-19, Haemophilus Influenzae Type B, Meningococcal, Pneumococcal, Hepatitis B, Shingles, Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection, and Chicken Pox

Typhoid, Yellow-fever, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Typhoid and Hepatitis A combination, Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B combination, Japanese Encephalitis and Rabies

Most of these vaccines require a prescription, however some of them are available without one. One of our pharmacists can help you determine if the vaccine you need requires a prescription.

If you get your vaccine from us we do not charge an administration fee. If you wish to bring us the vaccination that was filled at another pharmacy we will be happy to administer it for a fee of $20.

If you’re looking to receive a vaccination we invite you to stop into Main Street Pharmacy and Wellness Centre to see one of our injection certified pharmacists today!

One Comment

  1. Shocking, after all the deaths and injuries from the Covid vaccines!

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