Our Kingsville Fire and Rescue Team held a fire truck “Push-In” ceremony on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, to recognize the arrival of the brand-new rescue, a 2023 Metalfab Side Mount Rescue.
This tradition dates back to the 18th century when firefighters had to push horse-drawn steam engines into the station manually.

In the 19th century, motorized fire engines became popular and didn’t need to be pushed in. However, firefighters continue this tradition to honour new trucks put into service.
The new rescue is replacing the Freightliner rescue built in 1996. The outgoing rescue served both the south and north stations well, and will be placed up for auction in the coming months.
“The services that the fire department provides have changed significantly over the last 15 to 20 years,” said Fire Chief Jason Suchiu.
“This rescue was selected as it is a multi-purpose vehicle that will be used for a variety of emergencies. It is equipped with medical equipment, rescue tools, power saws, large ventilation fans and specialized equipment for vehicle and field fires, medical responses and accidents.”
“Our firefighters courageously deal with many different emergencies daily,” said Deputy Fire Chief Jeromy Garant. “The versatility of this new rescue will help support the work of the Kingsville Fire Department and continue to provide protection for the community for many years to come.”
The new rescue has several enhancements over the old model, including:
- An onboard water tank for extinguishing brush, field and vehicle fires
- 4-wheel drive capability to help access fires in rural areas
- LED scene lighting for better visibility during responses
- Ergonomic layout of compartments for quicker access to extraction tools for vehicle accidents
Kingsville Fire Rescue staff thanks the community and council for their support and are proud to be equipped with the new truck to continue keeping residents safe.