Sally LePla has a whimsical, impressionistic artistic style that is instantly recognizable. She splits her time between Michigan and Ontario and teaches on-line and in person wherever she is.
She shares her skills in free online, step-by-step beginning watercolour art classes with students from Canada, the States and Europe three weeks a month.
She started these classes at the beginning of the Pandemic as a way of giving back to the world for everything it has given her. Her students then asked her to continue the weekly art fun after the borders opened.
Sally focuses mostly on watercolors (with a bit of acrylic thrown in). She has taken classes with renowned watercolorists, Sterling Edwards, Jean Haines and Angela Fehr.
Sally has taken classes with many other local and international artists to hone her skills and have fun doing it. She enjoys experimenting with many different art styles and media.
Sally’s class vision is that each student painting can be completed in 30-40 minutes and is to be good enough to “hang on the refrigerator!”
She sends slides to the students after class to encourage them to expand their artistic ability further. Her students say Sally is fun, always encouraging and has brought out their hidden artist.
Sally is a former psychotherapist, lawyer, media relations specialist, president of her own marketing company, Executive Director for Habitat for Humanity. She has her motorcycle endorsement and has flown single-engine land and sea planes.
Sally was past ASK Secretary in its formative days. She volunteers for both the Arts Society of Kingsville and the Leamington Arts Centre in Leamington.
All photos provided by Sally Le Pla
She is an amazing lady who is extremely talented.
Congratulations to my very talented sister!
You are the best Sally, my friend since 60 years. A wonderful artist. /Gerd Olsson from Sweden
Yippee for Sally!!!! Great fun and wonderful sharing of art and color!