Abraham Orthodontics was proud to present a donation of over $15,000.00 to the Erie Shores Health Foundation in support of the first MRI in Leamington at Erie Shores Health Care.
The Abraham Orthodontics Holiday Social was a collaborative effort under the foundations’ Night of A Thousand Parties, where local businesses and professionals donated raffle and bingo prizes or pledged amounts that were doubled by Abraham Orthodontics.
“We are so grateful for the support for this important endeavor to bring accessible diagnostic treatment close to home,” says Christen Abraham, community outreach coordinator and co-founder of Abraham Orthodontics.
“We always seek ways to support families in our community beyond their smiles and are thrilled to be a small part of this effort.”
Families can schedule their free orthodontic exam with Abraham Orthodontics at 519-398-8101 or at www.AbrahamOrthodontics.com.