
Rotary Club Of Cottam Readies For Christmas Tree Sales

On Sunday, November 12, members of the Rotary Club of Cottam and community volunteers gathered at Rotary Park in Cottam to prepare the pavilion for their annual Christmas Tree Sale. Each year, we wrap the North, West and East faces in plastic film to keep out the elements, protect the trees and keep our customers dry and comfortable.

The trees will arrive on Saturday, November 25. Trees, along with Christmas Fruit Cakes, will be for sale at Rotary Park Saturday 9AM to 5PM, Sunday 10AM to 4PM and Monday-Friday 4PM to 6PM while supplies last.

Annual sales have been inconsistent in recent years. In both 2020 and 2021, sales were strong. We believe that might be due to more families staying home during COVID and needing a tree rather than travelling to visit loved ones or someplace warm.

Last year however, sales were down. The sale was extended for one additional week without much success. Roughly 50 unsold trees were donated to the Gosfield North Sportmen’s Club and others for ground cover, animal feed and other uses.

“Last year’s trees were smaller than usual”, said Rotary Club of Cottam President Crystal Heinrichs. “But we know other tree-sellers had the same situation to deal with. This year we’ve ordered Fraser Fir trees at 6′ to 7 1/2′, plus a small number of larger Fraser Firs in the 8′ to 9′ range.”

Prices will be $85 for the standard size and $110 each for the larger trees. The Christmas Fruit Cakes are $12 each.

This event is not only our largest annual fundraiser, it is a significant event for the community at large. It’s a great opportunity for our members and volunteers to interact with our neighbours.

“We also see this event as a service to Cottam and area,” according to Mike Olajos, President-Elect of the Rotary Club of Cottam. “We certainly want to have enough trees on hand so all our loyal repeat customers get one. The club always does our best to make sure there are enough trees available without any left over unsold at the end.”

In addition, on the evening of Friday, December 1 we will be hosting Santa Claus at the Tree Sale. We’re told Santa will hitch a ride with the Cottam branch of the Kingsville Fire Department and will arrive at 6:00PM sharp. We’ll have hot chocolate and treats, plus Santa will provide a small gift for each child. Donations for the Essex Area Food Bank will be accepted.

Trees arrive from Sloan’s on Saturday, November 25 at 8:00AM.

“Unloading the trees is a big job but it always goes quickly when the town comes together,” said past club President Dan Levy. “Anyone interested in volunteering can join us on the morning of the 25th. You might as well buy a tree while you’re here!”

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