Ontario Government Activates Disaster Recovery Assistance to Support Residents in Southwestern Ontario
The Ontario government is activating the Disaster Recovery Assistance for Ontarians (DRAO) program in certain areas of southwestern Ontario. The safety of those affected by this natural disaster is the government’s top priority.
On August 23, 2023, a series of thunderstorms passed through southwestern Ontario, causing significant damage in the Township of Warwick, the Municipality of Southwest Middlesex, the Town of Essex, the Municipality of Lakeshore, the Town of Kingsville, and the Town of Amherstburg. The storms led to localized flooding, power outages, washed-out roads, and flooded basements.
According to Environment Canada, up to 180 millimeters of rain fell between Lake St. Clair and Lake Erie from August 23 to 25, with a maximum of 214 millimeters measured in Harrow in the Town of Essex. Essex County received the most rainfall, which was a one-in-100-year event.
“Our government is standing with residents who suffered losses due to the extraordinary flooding that happened in parts of southwestern Ontario last summer,” said Paul Calandra, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “I want to thank the municipal staff, volunteers, and emergency responders who went above and beyond to support the people impacted by flooding in the impacted municipalities.”
The disaster assistance program applies to a primary residence and its basic contents, or to a small business, farm or not-for-profit organization. It provides assistance for emergency expenses and the costs to repair or replace essential property following a natural disaster not covered by insurance. Low-income households can apply for assistance for damage caused by sewer backup, which is not otherwise eligible under the program.
To find out if they may be eligible for assistance if they are in the activation area, and for next steps, individuals, small businesses, farms and not-for-profit organizations should review the maps and program guidelines, or call 1-877-822-0116 or email disasterassistance@ontario.ca after speaking with their private insurance provider.
Residents with no insurance coverage or whose insurance coverage is insufficient to cover essential costs have until March 27, 2024, to apply for assistance through the program.