At the Leamington Council meeting of Tuesday, November 28, 2023, Council:
- Adopted a Drainage Report regarding the creation of the Atkinson Lockery Drain, East Branch; authorized the project to be tendered; scheduled a Court of Revision to be held on January 9, 2024, appointed Commissioners to let and superintend the drainage works; and directed Administration to advise the Essex Region Conservation Authority of the proposed improvements.
- Approved Consent Applications B-03-23, B-04-23, and B-05-23 and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications Number 275 and 276 for the properties located on the west side of Bruner Road and vacant farm parcel on the west side of Bruner Road.
- Amended Policy P09-Municipal Alcohol Risk Management Policy to allow alcohol to be served on the outdoor patio at the Leamington Arts Centre.
- Awarded a contract for Animal Control Services to Essex County K9 Services for the Municipality of Leamington and the Town of Kingsville for a three-year term commencing on January 1, 2024.
- Awarded a Request for Proposal for T03-Transit 23-01 Bus Procurement to Grande West Transportation Incorporated LTD in the amount of $649,950 excluding HST and authorized the additional procurement with Safe Fleet – SEON for the 8 Channel Camera System in the amount of $10,530, excluding HST, funded from Ontario Transit Gas Tax.
- Authorized Administration to enter into a contract extension for a period of one year commencing on January 1, 2024 with M&S Janitorial Services Ltd. for the provision of Janitorial Services at a cost of $184,260 excluding HST.
- Approved the 2024 Leamington Council meeting schedule.
- Appointed Municipal Law Enforcement Officers for the provision of animal control services for the Municipality of Leamington.
- Confirmed property tax adjustments.
- Authorized Administration to enter into an agreement with the Leamington Community Hope Centre for the Coldest Night of the Year event.
- Directed Administration to bring forward a by-law to amend By-law 90-22 Fees By-law for Water Service fees; Nature Fresh Farms Recreation Center fees; and Marina fees.
For further information, please refer to the Council Agenda and Minutes at