Kingsville Branch Welcomes Local Artist Kevin Alles
“Wave Swept Watercolours” is the theme for the original paintings by Kevin Alles on display this month at the Kingsville Branch of the Essex County Library.
I have been painting in watercolours since 2006. I have always been interested in art, but had never attempted using watercolours. It was my father who encouraged me, so I reluctantly tried. I have been hooked ever since.
I paint from photographs that I take on my travels-using an actual camera! Does anyone still use cameras? Phones seem to have taken over!
My father and I would take trips every summer. These were always centered around water, boats and lighthouses. The Great Lakes and the East Coast have been favourite locations. Although these trips are no longer possible, due to his health (he’s 87 now), I always recall the fond memories that we had shared.
I like using wet-into-wet techniques as I paint. This involves the use of very wet paper.
With a lot of water on the paper, I drop pure paint on it. This results in some dramatic, sometimes unexpected results. The board can be tilted as the paint is still wet to move the paint into desired (hopefully) spots. You can see this in some of my paintings in dark or dramatic skies. It also produces softer effects, used on trees that are in the distance.
Salt can be added to the paint before it dries. I use this technique a lot for rocks or weathered objects such as wood or rusted metal.
I hope to teach painting, as my father had. I taught elementary school for over 30 years, so I guess teaching is in my blood! Unfortunately, being retired now I don’t seem to have the time!
~ Kevin Alles
Photos provided by Kevin Alles