
Jack Miner Learning Centre Benefits From Farm Credit Canada Grant

The Jack Miner Migratory Bird Foundation was recently awarded a $17,500 grant from Farm Credit Canada (FCC) for heating and cooling improvements in The Jack Miner Learning Centre. These improvements will help to ensure the space remains open to the public year-round.

Located in the building formally known as the Clubhouse, the Jack Miner Learning Centre has been open to the public free-of-charge since Fall 2022, serving as a source of inspiration for visitors of all ages to learn about nature through experiential learning activities.

Young visitors can explore a range of stations, such as nature’s weavers and protective colourization, while freely participating in memorable hands-on activities, such as nest-weaving and shelter construction, all while learning about the wonders of the natural world and their place in it.

Direct beneficiaries of this project include local and visiting seniors and adults who explore the Sanctuary grounds and discover the Jack Miner Learning Centre as general visitors or during special events; as well as school-aged children and toddlers who visit the grounds or participate in small-group and large-group tours, and our curriculum-based school programming.

The Learning Centre also hosts local daycare groups, homeschooling groups, and youth organizations.

This generous commitment of $17,500 from Farm Credit Canada (FCC) for heating and cooling improvements in The Jack Miner Learning Centre will no doubt benefit our organization as we pivot towards experiential tourism to better serve our community and its visitors.

Thank you to Farm Credit Canada (FCC) for their support of the Sanctuary and its mission.

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