Announcements, In Memoriam

In Memoriam: Maurice Snook (November 5, 1918 – August 24, 2011)

Maurice Snook
November 5, 1918 – August 24, 2011
Dad, we miss you on this Remembrance Day without you here.

As always, but especially today, we thank you for the sacrifices made so unselfishly by you and all of our Canadian Veterans many years ago and since. We will never forget your sacrifices and the gifts of freedom that you have given to many abroad and to us here, on Canadian soil. We will always remember, appreciate, and respect these freedoms and those who have made them possible.

We love you and we miss you dearly.
Mary-Maureen & Jay

We remember one of your favourite prayers:

It is the Veteran, not the preacher,

who has given us freedom of religion.

It is the Veteran, not the reporter,

who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the Veteran, not the poet,

who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the Veteran, not the campus organizer,

who has given us freedom to assemble.

It is the Veteran, not the lawyer,

who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the Veteran, not the politician,

who has given us the right to vote.

It is the Veteran, who salutes the Flag,

It is the Veteran, who serves under the Flag,

Eternal rest grant them, and let perpetual light shine upon them.


One Comment

  1. John Ev woelk

    Agreed….freedom is NOT free…. Thank you so very much for your service and sacrifices

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