The Committee of Adjustment and Appeals will review the following notices at its October 17, 2023, meeting:
– 70 Road 3 West – An application for Minor Variance. The applicants wish to build a single-detached dwelling, and based on their drawings, they are not within the minimum interior side-yard setback zoning by-laws. They are requesting a relief of 2 feet for the new house. A-2023-11
– 314 Road 10 – An application for Minor Variance. The applicants wish to build an Additional Dwelling Unit (ADU) which exceeds the maximum allowable floor area. They are requesting relief of 234 square feet to permit an ADU with 2 bedrooms that is wheelchair accessible. A-2023-12
– 27 County Road 29 – An application for Minor Variance. The applicants wish to build a single-detached dwelling while retaining the existing as an Additional Dwelling Unit (ADU) in the front-yard. The Town does not permit ADUs in the front-yard, as such, they are requesting relief from this section of the by-law. A-2023-13
– 4031 Graham Side Road – An application for a Lot Addition. The applicants wish to convey a portion of the lot to their neighbour at 4029 Graham Side Road. Therefore, a consent for a lot addition would be required to adjust the existing lot lines. B-2023-14
– 456 Heritage Road – An application for a Lot Addition. The applicants wish to convey a portion of the lot to their neighbour at 828 Wride Avenue. Therefore, a consent for a lot addition would be required to adjust the existing lot lines. B-2023-15
The meeting starts at 6:00 pm. Please review the above notices and follow the directions to submit your comments.
Image by Dmitriy from Pixabay