At the Leamington Council meeting of Tuesday, October 10, 2023, Council:
- Held a public meeting under the Planning Act and:
- Adopted an Official Plan Amendment application (OPA) to create a special policy area over 310 Sherk Street to change the designation from Erie Street Commercial District and Residential to Residential and allow the use of the property to be for the temporary housing for youth and residential.
- Approved a Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) to amend the property located at 310 Sherk Street from an Institutional and Commercial Shopping Centre Zone to a uniform Institutional Zone to allow for:
- A youth engagement centre;
- A temporary housing facility for youth;
- A maximum of 50 multi-units; and
- Site-specific zone provisions for parking and rear yard setbacks.
- Approved By-law 76-23, being a by-law to continue the Committee of Adjustment at the Corporation of the Municipality of Leamington.
- Authorized the pre-selection of APG Neuros Inc. for the blower upgrades project at the Leamington Pollution Control Centre at a total cost of $383,900 excluding HST; and a purchase order to APG Neuros Inc. in the amount of $38,390 excluding HST for the preparation of shop drawings.
- Authorized the continuation of dispatching services from the Corporation of the City of Windsor.
For further information, please refer to the council agenda and minutes at