At the Leamington Council meeting on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, Council will:
- Hold a Court of Revision under the Drainage Act to consider a request to construct a new access bridge over the 11th Concession branch and East Ogle drain.
- Hold a Public Meeting under the Planning Act to consider the following matters:
- An application to rezone A5 properties to allow for the keeping of chicken and fowl.
- A consent application to create a surplus dwelling lot and to rezone the severed lot at 2010 Mersea Road 11 from an Agricultural General Zone (A1) to an Agricultural Residential Zone (A5).
- An application to rezone vacant land on the south side of Seacliff Drive West by Keepsake Land Development Ltd.
- Consider a non-mandatory service agreement with the Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA)
- Consider a non-mandatory service agreement with the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority.
- Consider a request for a resolution of support for the development, construction, and operation of long-term reliability projects.
- Consider a report regarding the waiving of municipal fees for the Building Bridges Erie Shores House project at 310 Sherk Street, Leamington.
- Consider a semi-annual report from the By-law Enforcement Department.
- Consider a request to include a non-English civil ceremony fee.
For further information, please refer to the council agenda and minutes at The meeting will be streamed live online for public viewing at