At its September 11, 2023 meeting, Council:
- Approved the Official Plan Amendment No. 15 to re-designate lands located at 1478 Road 2 E in the Town of Kingsville, from ‘Agricultural’ to ‘Hamlet’, and from ‘Hamlet’ to ‘Agriculture’
- Approved the Zoning By-law amendment application ZBA-09-22 to amend the zoning on the subject parcel in the Town of Kingsville from “Residential Zone 1 Urban (R1.1(h))” and “Light Industrial (M1(h))” to
- i. “Residential Zone 2 Urban (R2.1)” to permit Single and semidetached dwellings,
- ii. “Residential Zone 4 Urban (R4.1-9)” to permit one 6 storey apartment building on the south side of the parcel (105 rental units total), and;
- ii. “Residential Zone 4 Urban – holding (R4.1(h))” to permit a mixed use building on the north side abutting Main Street (subject to approval of future Main Street Corridor Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments);
- iv. “Public Utilities/Facilities (MG)” for the storm water management pond; and
- v. “Parkland (PG)” for the proposed park parcel;
- Approved road closures to vehicle traffic on Saturday, October 21, 2023, for the Migration Fall Festival Parade
- Approved road closures to vehicle traffic on Saturday, November 18, 2023, for the Fantasy of Lights Parade
- Appointed HMID LLP as the auditors for the Town of Kingsville for the fiscal years of 2023 through 2026
- Awarded the Watermain Relocation- Division Road at Highway 3 Tender to SheaRock Construction Group Inc. in the amount of $990,000.00 (excluding HST)
- Directed Administration to invite Hydro One to an upcoming meeting to provide an update on regional upgrades and service reliability
Council Briefs are intended to be a quick summary following Council meetings. Council Briefs do not replace the official minutes, which are published following adoption at the next scheduled Council meeting. If you have any questions about the summary provided above, please email
Image by QuinceCreative from Pixabay