
Season Heats Up! Powerhouse Jr Girl Greys Take Group Gold Glove Award

The Powerhouse Jr Girl Greys took too the field for an exciting game under the lights against the Kingsville Blues.

Prior to the game, both teams enjoyed pizza where the payment included a donation to the Kingsville Food Bank. The donations equaled the volume of runs scored with both teams combining for nearly 40 runs over 7-innings of intense action.

In a back and forth affair that saw some great hits and defensive plays by both teams, the Greys were able to hold on for a 21-18 victory.

Highlights included a five-hit performance by Isabella and Hailey, four hits from Lily “Wark”, Tori, Jasmine, Mia, Lily “Woody” & Riley while Isla pounded out a solid 3-hit performance.

Special mention to Jasmine, Isla and Isabella who each recorded a triple with Isabella recording two(!) triple-baggers!

A special Gold Glove award was presented tonight to recognize any girls who flashed the leather or made a great defensive play. Considering every single one of the girls showed great defense tonight, be it fielding a ground ball, throwing to the correct base, or executing a perfect relay from the outfield, the team celebrated a group Gold Glove tonight.

Jasmine was singled-out due to a great diving catch she made only a few weeks ago (and proudly displayed the scars earned from her heroic effort).

Next up, the girls will play each other again this Friday night at St Clair college on their new amazing softball field.

Photos provided by Henry Dyck

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