Town & County News

Reminder for Landowners to Destroy Noxious Weeds Before May 30

The Town of Kingsville is reminding all landowners that noxious weeds negatively impact farmer fields and humans with respiratory issues. Weed seeds can travel many kilometres by wind to invade and kill healthy crops. Poison ivy, sumac and oak cause skin reactions; ragweed may trigger breathing difficulties.

This is an annual notice under provincial legislation, the Weed Control Act, R. S. O., 1990, which requires all landowners in the Town of Kingsville to destroy noxious weeds growing on their lands before May 30, 2023, and throughout the season. If you do not destroy noxious weeds on your property, we may be required to access your land to remove the weeds, charging the cost against your land.

You can find a list of noxious weeds on the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) website.

We appreciate your help in controlling the spread of noxious weeds in our community.

Image by a-mblomma from Pixabay


  1. Joan Leclair

    I live beside Mill Creek to the west and north of our property. The shelf beside our property is managed by ERCA, with a farmer’s field north of us. The shelf is full of poison ivy which is constantly invading our property , resulting in personal exposure multiple times requiring medical treatment. Who do I contact about having these noxious plants removed?

  2. How , by using Round Up, which causes cancer?

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