My art journey is more of a life journey. I express my life through my photography and hope that the insight I provide of the world around us inspires others to step out into the world and view it a little more closely.
I found art in school only to be geared towards those who had an ability to draw and this was frustrating to me. I watched as they were then allowed to express themselves with other artistic mediums because of this.

I dabbled a little in the dark room in school with friends who were afforded the privilege of its use but it wasn’t until I was an adult that I started to take my own photographs to show off my experiences.
I would be out and about all over my homeland in Northern Ireland. I was into a hobby called Geocaching and it took me to many places I had never been before, some right on my doorstep.

With this I wanted to share the things I was seeing, whether that be a sun rise or sunset, a bird or other wildlife, waves crashing upon the shore or a river gently meandering down stream. These are things that brought me joy and I wanted to be able to share them with others.
With the advent of the phone camera and social media that ability became evermore obtainable and I was excited to have an avenue to share with others.

The early days of phone cameras was a fun challenge as quality was not what I was used to but I noticed that sharing on social media did not need to be of great quality to get the point across.
As I grew into the photography I started to buy more equipment and got into the post production editing. This has enhanced my joy in the art form and has given me a better way to get my stories across.

I see each of my images as a story that I want to share, so it is my goal through each image to draw the viewer to be able to emote the way I did when I was at the scene shooting. With some scenes that is much easier than others.
When posting a familiar image like a sunrise or bird singing, I know I don’t need to do much post editing because of the a familiarity. But with other things like a storm or vast landscape it requires more thought and planning in order to create a sense of gravitas.

There are still some scenes that I believe can only fully be experienced from being in the moment and with those I try to cultivate the correct emotion by adding a written word with my posting of the image.
In all, I probably see myself more as a storyteller than a true photographer. I don’t aim to make my shots the most technically correct or follow along in rules. I just get outside a lot, and everything that brings me joy in the world around me I try my best to share and inspire others to get out and enjoy it too.

Year round you will find me out in every kind of weather and every kind of terrain with my equipment at the ready.
From the macro world of tiny ephemeral spring flowers and the little bugs that help with pollination to vastness of our Great lakes, Northern Forests and the expenses of space. I love the wonder of it all and love that I can share this through my photography.

I love also that others follow along on my adventures and actively participate in connecting with me online. Some people relying on these images as a way of living vicariously through me due to their inability to get out and enjoy it themselves.
I love to be able to bring people with me, so I can share the knowledge I have built over the years and help them on the journey of enjoying life through nature.

The quality of the phone camera being so fantastic now I mostly recommend and show the benefits of using your phone as your every day means of photography.
My main subjects are wildlife and landscapes but I also love to shoot events that bring so much pleasure to people throughout the year.

It’s great to be surrounded by people and to use that buzz to create lasting memorable images from the event — making the ooohhhs and ahhhs of a firework display translate onto an image or catching an action shot at show.
Essex county is a fantastic area for wildlife mostly birds but certainly not limited to just them. Year round we are treated to some fantastic wildlife and the encounters with these are certainly highlights for me. These are just a few of my favourite things.

I believe my photography thrives because of the connection I have been able to make between the images and the people who see them. This brings me a great sense of satisfaction as it leads me to believe that my goal of inspiring others to embrace, experience and enjoy the world around us is working.
I’m always trying to plan workshops and walks related to my joy of both photography and nature and welcome those who wish to join me.
Find Donny Moore on Facebook and Instagram.
I would like to know about all photo shows.
Hi Sue
You can contact Donny with this information here https://www.facebook.com/donnymoorephotography
We see that photography is a great way for you to express your love of nature. Thank you for enjoying nature for all of us! You may be thrilled to know that our GECDSB has a student digital exhibition and each year and our 18th annual one is underway right now. Open to both elementary but not sure about secondary. There is a reception and awards ceremony too. The photos are presented at the Gibson gallery in Amherstburg usually held at the end of May to beginning of June. Submissions are divided into 3 categories black and white, colour and digitally enhanced or altered. Maybe you could be a judge??!! Let me know and I can give you contacts??
Hi Melissa
You can contact Donny with this information here https://www.facebook.com/donnymoorephotography