Kingsville Town Council will review the following applications at the March 6, 2023 meeting. The meeting starts at 6:00 pm.
74 Jasperson Drive: Application requesting to change the zoning from Residential Zone 1 Urban (R1.1) to Residential Zone 2 Urban (R2.1) to permit a Semi-Detached Dwelling. The applicant has a consent application (file B-2023-04) for creating a new parcel for a Semi-detached Dwelling, which will proceed to the Committee of Adjustment if the Zoning By-law Amendment is approved.
Vacant Land at Maple and Lansdowne: Application requesting permission to alter initial plans (approved in 2020) to include a three-unit townhouse as an alternative to the storage building. An amendment to the existing site plan is required, as well as an amendment to the current zoning.
Provide comment
Your comments on these matters are important. If you have comments on either of these applications, please phone, email (, or mail to the attention of: Town of Kingsville, Planning Services, 2021 Division Road North, Kingsville, ON N9Y 2Y9. Comments and opinions submitted on these matters, including your name and address, may become part of public record, be viewed by the general public, and be published in a Planning report, Council agenda, and minutes of the meeting. See the full notices linked above for more details.