Me, just an amateur photographer who happens to love black and white images. This affair goes way back to my film days wandering the Rockies looking for subjects of interest with lots of contrast.
Arriving in Kingsville from Calgary four years back, I was struck with how accommodating the region was in helping my landscape photography.
Locals call it the lake effect, but I call it sky drama. The perfect backdrop for my images, as long as I can find a suitable point of interest. Ships, buildings, cranes, people, martians, something to draw the eye.
This is always a challenge, when one wants to create their own photographic character without copying others.
This lake effect seems to have cemented this character and now it is rare for me to venture out without some sort of sky action happening.
The majority of my images are related to the lake and surrounding communities. On occasion, I will give myself a photography assignment, with the latest being local silhouettes which I am considering as a sub show to the October exhibit.
I have spent a considerable amount of time and effort developing my website, which was created solely to display these photos for general public interest.
The site is and if you need to contact me, then you will find my email on the site.
As part of the upcoming exhibit I am hosting, there will be two free photography seminars each of two hours duration.
Here I will discuss some technical aspects of the art, but most of the focus will be on composition and I will be using Kingsville and area for examples, as well as some discussion/demonstration of post processing.
I will leave you with this quote —
“If you are out there shooting, things will happen for you.
If you’re not out there, you’ll only hear about it.”
~ Jay Maisel
October 31st: General Photography Composition Rules
Improve your photography skills and become a more confident photographer. Michael will discuss composition and what you need to understand about your digital camera to be able take great pictures. Seating is limited.
November 7th: Black & White Photography Composition Tips
Working in black and white is a great place for photographers to hone their skills and perfect their art. Michael will be showing you the subtleties of shooting in black and white and getting it right. Seating is limited.
No photography experience is required. Bring your camera.
Photos by Michael O’Hara
Poster by Rose Marie Roach and Candace Anderson