
Summer Day Camps in Cottam Start Soon

Migration Community Hall is pleased to announce its new SUMMER 2021 Day Camps for Kids. These Day Camps are taking place at our new Migration Community Hall “North” facility located at 122 Fox Street in Cottam.

Ideally situated beside the Town of Kingsville’s beautiful 23 acre Ridgeview Park & Splash Pad, and sharing a building with the Cottam Branch of the Essex County Library, this community setting provides the perfect backdrop for Migration Community Halls ever expanding music, art, theatre, and community programming, while also providing additional rehearsal space, and more.

Our COVID SAFE Day Camp will see the three pillars of pandemic safety (social distancing, mask wearing, and hand-hygiene) become part of the FUN. We will combine our ‘infectious love’ of music, theatre, arts, and kids, with the most up to date WECHU advice, to bring our campers a safe & fun summer experience.

Campers will need to bring 2 (two) peanut free snacks, a healthy lunch, sun hat and/or sunglasses, sunscreen, and a refillable water bottle with them each day. Parents should apply sunscreen to campers prior to camp. Optionally, campers may also bring a bathing suit, towel, and flip flops – if they intend on participating in ‘splash pad’ visits.

The cost of our FIVE DAY day camp is $250 per child per week. Those registering for more than one week, or more than one child will receive a discount and be charged $235 for the second and subsequent child, and/or week.

The cost of our FOUR DAY day camp is $200 per child per week. Those registering more than one child during this week or who have registered in one or more of the other five camps will receive a discount and be charged $185 per second and subsequent child.

High school and college art, music, and theatre students, as well as up and coming ECE’s are welcome to APPLY for volunteer hours, and Community Involvement (volunteer) hours. Potential volunteers interested in applying should send an email to Kimberly at

For more information please email us at

Week One: Wizard Camp
5 Days: July 19 – 23, 2021 (9-4)

This magical week will see campers create their own wands, creatures, and potions. Then our newly minted Hogwarts students will embark upon a magical journey to help their friend Harry Potter save the day while at the same time becoming the HERO of their very own story!

We will transport our campers through Hogwarts classes, such as Potions, Care of Magical Creatures, and even Transformation! We will dust the Floo Powder off of our Broomsticks and soar as we learn how to play Quidditch! And, we will gain the knowledge needed to defeat Voldemort as we discover Horcruxes hidden right under our noses!
Are you ready to help Harry Potter save the day?

Week Two: Tim Burton Camp
5 Days: July 26 – 30, 2021 (9-4)

Dive into the weird, whacky, and off-beat world of Tim Burton!

During this week, campers will create their very own ‘Stop-Motion Short’ – in the style of Nightmare Before Christmas or Frankenweenie! We love everything zany and creative, so get ready for some Beetlejuice, Alice in Wonderland, Willy Wonka, and Nightmare fun!!

Week Three: Disney Camp
4 Days: August 3 – 6, 2021 (9-4)

Who loves Disney? WE DO! With so many great movies to choose from, we have planned our activities around a NEW THEME EACH DAY!

Coco – Explores the celebration of the Day of the Dead – think candy skulls and tacos! Toy Story – Get your game on with lots of fun action, like our Buzz Lightyear Launch, and garbage dump obstacle course! Avengers – Challenges and games galore! Find the infinity stones, and design your own superhero! Pirates – A day of water fun, games, and a treasure hunt! Onward – A mythical adventure where campers race against time… who will win?

Week Four: Triple Threat Camp
5 Days: August 9 – 13, 2021 (9-4)

Do you love Broadway? Have you ever dreamed about starring in Wicked, Phantom of the Opera, Rent, Mamma Mia, Mary Poppins, Shrek, or The Lion King: The Musical?! Well now is your chance to become THE STAR!

Campers will learn singing, dancing, and acting techniques during this one week summer camp where we will create a short cabaret performance from scratch! Whether singing, dancing, acting, costumes, makeup, props, or sets are YOUR THING – there will be something for everyone this week!!!

Week Five: Mystery Camp
5 Days: August 16 – 20, 2021 (9-4)

Mystery Camp brings a new ‘mystery’ adventure with each new day! Campers will learn how to become the best detective and how to solve crimes.

Then campers will become Sherlock Holmes and use their fabulous brain to find their way out of our specially created Escape Rooms! Are you thinking that maybe the life of a SPY is for you? EXCELLENT, our Spy Skills ‘training school’ has you covered!

We hope that you are UP for this challenging week because we have tons of brain teasers, physical feats, and crime solving to do, and we need your help!

Migration Hall


Migration Hall


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