
Art Scoop: ASK Member Visual Artist Val Read

Our featured artist and member of the Arts Society of Kingsville is Val Read, a prolific visual artist, who is always looking to apply her outstanding artistic talent into new and different media using a variety of techniques.

Here is Val’s story…

A Drive along Hwy 6

As a young girl, my mother noticed my love of art and enrolled me in Saturday afternoon art classes at St. Mary’s Academy. Taught by a nun every Saturday for two years, the entire first year was charcoal and sketching, values and perspective.

Reflections on isolation

Only by the second year was colour finally introduced. Perhaps why I love colour so much now because it was so anticipated.

I hated spending every Saturday inside the huge dark walls of the studio, while other kids were outside playing. Now so many years later, I love and appreciate what my mother did for me.

Miller Lake 1

My love for art grew and my passion to learn is still strong today.

I have since continually tried to learn more, new techniques and have experimented with many mediums. The number of classes I have taken are endless. Even today throughout this pandemic we are in, I continue to purchase books and read about other artists’ new and old techniques.

Miller Lake 2

“Always keep learning and creating. It is the best therapy there is.”

This you will find on my business card because it is one of my strong beliefs. As someone with health issues, Art has been my saving grace.

Marine life Alcohol Ink

Art is a place, where all time and pain are lost. I try diligently to escape to my studio daily for this therapy.

I have made art, sold art, taught art and have been invited to many events and shows over the years. I’ve been a member and on the board of the Arts Society of Kingsville for 4-5 years.

Butterfly Alcohol Ink

I would highly recommend being a part of an art community. It is a great place to not only show your work, but to be a part of a like-minded, friendly group of people.

I am also a member of the Windsor Essex County Plein Air Society, which is a personal challenge for me and a great learning opportunity.

Alcohol ink – Plein Air

I have and do work with various mediums, alcohol inks, oils, acrylics and watercolour. Feel free to follow me on Facebook @ Valsartkingsville and #forartssakeandwine on Instagram.

I have an Exhibition coming up this year at the LAC – Leamington Arts Centre at 72 Talbot St. West, Leamington. I hope you will make a point to come out and view my various mediums and styles of Valsart.

All photos provided by Val Read


  1. Enjoyed learning more about the history behind this creative artist. Different styles guarantee a piece of art to please everyone.

  2. Nancy PLATSKO

    Wonderful work, has great atmosphere and colour

  3. Ann Ducharme

    Arts society of kingsville is so proud of you
    You continue to inspire

  4. Great background story, lovely lady and beautiful art!

  5. Just a note…Val’s exhibition is aimed at being shown in July if this year depending on restrictions.

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